expert geminauts:why does first line start with number 20? by jazei | tildeverse BBJ

>0 jazei @ 2024/03/14 11:14

why doess first line start with number 20?
20 text/gemini utf ... lang es-AR 
why 20 .... 
Thank you! & Regards.
14/03 08:09hs (-0300).

>1 shivrm @ 2024/03/23 13:44


That's the status code which the server sends in response to your request.
The status code 20 indicates that your request was successful.

Why 20 in particular? The response codes are probably adapted from HTTP,
where status code 200 indicates success. You can also see a similar pattern
with 3xx (redirect) and 4xx (client error) codes.

>2 jazei @ 2024/03/24 15:55

Hi ~shivrm
Will there be a number for put comments like in html we put 
I read too about I can use another number from 20 to 29 and it is the same result....
Thank you! & Regards.
24/03 12:44hs (-0300).>>1

>3 shivrm @ 2024/03/24 16:49


As far as I know, there's no way to put a comment in the response.
The only other data you can send in the first line (for a successful
request) is the MIME type for the response. Gemtext doesn't have any
comments either.

>4 jazei @ 2024/03/26 17:55

Thank you so much Shivram>>3