Passing of a Legend by ultrachip | tildeverse BBJ

>0 ultrachip @ 2023/07/20 18:11

Apparently Kevin Mitnick died. :(

I don't know about you guys but he was a big inspiration to me growing up, and was a big reason I got in to IT.

>1 userfxnet @ 2023/07/20 23:24


RIP Kevin Mitnick, I made a tribute and moment of silence on my show the other day over it.

A user on SDF by the name of quintin reported in the sad news during my hour on their aNONradio
service. I felt it necessary to pay respects for their contributions to cybersecurity and their
wisdom they provided the tech world. (if found to be false, I will make a live correction next

>2 mirage @ 2023/07/27 19:51

Same here - I read some of his books as a curious 11 year old when I saw them at the library, and they played a major part in me deciding to study computer science and specializing in cybersecurity. RIP Mitnick the Legend.