what programming language do you hate the most? by reddish | tildeverse BBJ

>0 reddish @ 2022/03/23 20:42

i think the programming language that i hate is Java.

>1 jacksonbenete @ 2022/03/24 13:48

I used to hate PHP when I didn't wanted to work with PHP but I had to.
I used to hate JavaScript when I didn't wanted to work with JS but I had to.

Apart from thinking that some language wasn't nicely designed, I don't really
hate anything I guess, despite not wanting to touch it.

I try not to shit on languages, such as PHP, because there are a lot of families
that have food on their tables because of it.
Same for any other language.

Apart from a language not being as good as it could be, the problem lies on
JavaScript code can have a lot of memory leak and performance problems,
and so can have a C code from an unexperienced C programmer.

Part of the problem is from the education "system", maketing that
programming is easy, and that anyone can get rich and work with a laptop
on the beach.
Those courses teaches you the bare minumum, and due to the high demand,
those people lacking understanding and knowledge will get hired anyways,
and bad code will happen.

As for Java, I personally don't like the verbosity, and I used to
"hate" it as well.
But nowadays even though I still don't use Java on my projects,
I think that someone that know Java well, is a very good programmer.
A strongly typed language and a very strict syntax like Java
demands a lot of discipline, and that's something that can tell
a lot about you as a professional.
The Java ecosystem is also very good and consistent, high a very high
quality. There is a reason that the industry will rely on Java
for their business. You don't want to have your Bank infrastructure
written on JavaScript.

Java nowadays is just some syntax, you can take advantage of the JVM
and the Java ecosystem by using other JVM languages, like
Clojure and Scala.
So learning and working with Java can be good not only because of
the discipline and good practices (design patterns) you'll have to learn
but also the Java ecosystem that will be useful even if you're working
with some other languages like Scala, Clojure and Kotlin.

>2 jdtron @ 2022/03/29 17:58

I'd say that I hate JS the most.
It's a total mess and trying to do it in a nice way usually ends in
a lot of WTFs and/or a massive toolchain, that is sometimes harder
to maintain than the code itself.

Maybe it's just me, but I only work with it if I absolutely have to.

I have to deal a lot with PHP, which I don't like that much either.
The language is inconsistent and I personally don't like to rewrite half
of my codebase every time a major update takes place.
PHP became sort of comfortable with Laravel again, but just because
Laravel is so well done.

As a word for closing:
Nowadays I mostly like working with compiled langages, that produce a real binary.
Like Go, Rust or sometimes C++, mostly because of the advantages of a compiler.

>3 anonymous @ 2022/04/03 22:26

javascript first, rust second

>4 anonymous @ 2022/04/12 06:21


Speaking as someone who started programming with Java,
the bloated syntax makes me never want to come back. 
That said, scala and clojure interest me so I 
might come back to to the JVM.

>5 ccodelang @ 2022/05/01 01:49

I hate javascript.  It just breaks every 5 seconds.

>6 stern @ 2022/05/14 22:13

I don't like Perl, I really don't like Perl.

>7 jdtron @ 2022/05/30 18:40

How can one hate rust? :(

>8 anonymous @ 2022/05/31 23:09

Rust is great! But in my experience (network penetration tester) I've had the "bad" experience of rust code being so "fast" that it often tips internal production servers. 

So for me, an application written in C or (lol) Lua (nmap) is "better" than one that's written in Rust (rustscan). 

For my work, I don't need fast, I need quiet and accurate, so for me its not that I don't like Rust - its that I don't really need it. 

Rust the game on the other hand is rad.

>9 anonymous @ 2022/06/08 10:00

I hate Java.>>7

>10 jdtron @ 2022/06/21 16:37

Thanks for the explanation, sounds pretty interesting!

Feel you on that...

>11 spencerwi @ 2022/07/08 18:45

Golang, hands down.

The language's owners take the stance of "Golang can't have , because we want to keep Golang simple."

Sorry, but when I have to rely on layers of code generation just because you don't feel like implementing generics, that's not simple *for me as a developer*. Maybe that's the laziest, easiest path for *you* as the arbiter of what goes into the language, but don't lie to me and tell me you're making my life easier by making me do more busy work or layer more custom tooling on top of your language's deficiencies.

Their concurrency model that everyone lauds is a footgun. Please, go ahead and tell me about how channels are so easy and straightforward. I've got two words for you "wait groups". Even this selling point isn't actually simple to _use_, it's just simplistic for the Golang team to _build_, and actual developers who _use_ Golang have to deal with constant headaches of diagnosing weird corner cases where the channel's buffer was exceeded, or somehow the channel hung, or or or or.... and none of it with any sort of decent error messages to help you track down the problem, and with obtuse syntax that doesn't match any other language I've used, so it's just unnecessarily unfamiliar.

Oh, or what about using third-party libraries? Is your GOPATH all figured out? Or are you using one of the various iterations of "Go modules" that are each more confusing than the last? 

Who needs exceptions or result types, when anywhere from 40% to 70% of your codebase can be this exact repeated block:
    value, err := someFunction(arg1, arg2)
    if err != nil { 
        return err
    // repeat this block of code for almost every function call in your entire application

I'll take PHP any day over that noise, because at least the team that runs PHP, childish as they often are in their squabbles, are willing to recognize that their language has flaws and try to fix them, rather than doubling down on the flaws and telling me "you're holding it wrong."

>12 grizzly @ 2022/07/27 20:26


I don't like Perl, which is quite strange, because my "serious" language was PHP, nowadays I only work on JavaScript, more precisely with React/NodejS

But to this day I'm going back to PHP like anything.
And my fiancée is currently teaching me python.

>13 tash @ 2022/09/22 12:40

I agree wholeheartedly with this. Golang is a terrible langauge for good
developers. The language has been so "simplified" that it lacks basic
functionality that any otehr programming language would be expected to have.

Now luckily I rarely if ever have to use Golang anymore, but it **sucked** when
I had too.

My guess as to why it's designed this way is because Google
wanted a stupid simple programming language that they could teach code monkeys
in a week and therefore easily replace people with little effort.

>14 x88 @ 2022/10/07 23:34

Golang is annoying to work with, I can agree on that.

>15 whodini @ 2022/10/10 16:20

Not sure if it qualifies as a "real" programming language, but Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is pretty terrible.

>16 stern @ 2023/01/24 16:59


yeah, I consider that a programming language, and it's probably not the best at all these days.

>17 aspect @ 2023/02/05 07:04

As somebody who (stupidly) began to learn coding with Java, I hate java.
I really hate java.

>18 nagi @ 2023/02/23 14:24

Why do you hate Rust ?>>3

>19 manul @ 2023/03/02 16:54

To all the JavaScript haters, how do you feel about TypeScript? I do Angular for work, and TypeScript is really quite nice. For me, it really takes away that feeling of cobbled-together-ness that I always get when working on standard JS.

I don't know what it is about JS that made me want it to be statically typed, because I think I get along fine without that in Python.

>20 anonymous @ 2023/03/05 18:50

long compile times + completely controlled by corporations i want to get away from (amazon/microsoft/etc)
also it's a pain to compile on non-glibc platforms

>21 tftio @ 2023/04/13 18:21

Whichever one I happen to be using at the time.

>22 ultrachip @ 2023/04/13 23:27


Semi-related, but has anyone worked with the JS competitor that Python has been working on? I remember it sounding really interesting when I was reading about it but I haven't really had a use case to try it out yet.

>23 m1k3 @ 2023/05/07 11:01

If you hate JS then check out HTMX.

>24 ultrachip @ 2023/05/08 10:48


Sure, I got a healthy dose of self-loathing right now - why not?

>25 ekkie @ 2023/05/10 08:36


HTMX is actually pretty neat, it's a javascript framework where you don't have to write any javascript, just some html properties.

>26 ultrachip @ 2023/05/10 10:58


Meh... I'll look in to it but I was never too in to front-endy web dev stuff in general.

>27 anonymous @ 2023/07/09 23:10

Right now for me its Rust. It's just not a comfortable language to work in.

>28 vagabond @ 2024/02/12 18:18

I don't have a dog in this race, but I would bet that I would not like C++ due to the shear amount of complexity it has. Good news, is that it's going to be part of my course work when school starts.

>29 jdtron @ 2024/02/13 16:31

Rust is in fact pretty comfy and nice to work with, although it needs some getting used to it.

>30 anonymous @ 2024/02/21 19:23

The fanatic is unable to handle any kind of criticism or dissent.

>31 mpisco @ 2024/02/24 20:43


php is horrible.