Web SSH for tildeverse? by klu | tildeverse BBJ

>0 klu @ 2021/04/21 05:59

SDF.org has a web ssh frontend: https://sdf.org/ssh

It can be really handy when you're out there with an emergency and don't have a computer with you, or in a network where outgoing SSH is blocked by firewall.

Can we have one for tildeverse? One problem I see is that most tilde pubnixes does't allow password login.

>1 tomasino @ 2021/05/06 10:15


This would be a nice differentiating feature for a specific tilde to offer. I have no plans to add web access to cosmic, but maybe one of the others will bite.

>2 deepend @ 2021/06/28 03:49


I'm guessing that SDF doesn't require ssh key login though?  Because I couldn't see that being a viable option when I think most tildes require ssh key authentication.

Otherwise I'd set it up already lol 


>3 fenris @ 2021/07/03 18:05

Right, SDF allows normal login.

>4 oklomsy @ 2021/07/22 09:48

it is possible to program a web interface for SSH but I am not sure how secure it is, and if it's a good idea.
One thing I am absolutely sure about would be that it 100% requires SSL, no unencrypted authentication... ever...

>5 quark @ 2023/03/09 15:42

What is "cosmic"?

>6 tomasino @ 2023/03/29 11:37


cosmic.voyage - a tilde for writing science fiction

available on web, gopher, and gemini!

>7 userfxnet @ 2023/06/15 00:22


IDK about whether or not a host/admin/mod here would implement such on the mainpage. 
I am, however, aware and favorable towards such a webpage proxy you can use to SSH in via browser wherever you're at. 

You can find it @ https://www.ssheasy.com/ they also have a repo available @ github licensed under AGPL in case you want to take a look @ the source.

I use it all the time @ the libraries whenever I wanna go in w.o doing nothin' to powershell (ssshh :P)

>8 ultrachip @ 2023/06/15 11:33


My only issue with web-based clients like this is that you have to upload your private key in order for key-based authentication to work. It makes my security senses tingle something fierce, especially the thought of doing it from a public computer.