is anyone there? by eggy | tildeverse BBJ

>0 eggy @ 2022/08/06 14:47

The server is feeling kind of empty.  Check in if you are still there!!

>1 jacksonbenete @ 2022/08/06 21:46


Hey, I check bbj once in a while, maybe even everyday, but I'm actually
quite lazy to ssh into the server just to reply on it.

I find it easier to reply on the nntp news server.
On the other hand I'm actually quite lazy to open the nntp.

I might be crazy.

>2 mjk @ 2022/08/07 18:10

I check every few days.  Not a huge amount activity but there are sporadic

>3 eggy @ 2022/08/08 16:17

glad to know there are other people here too (:<

>4 pyrogaming @ 2022/08/10 10:20

i just made a bbj account. i don't know how things work, but i'm here!

>5 tomasino @ 2022/08/12 20:05


Glad you are here. :)

>6 lkh @ 2022/08/13 09:01


here's one more. I check the BBJ now and then!

Have a nice weekend everyone!

>7 anonymous @ 2022/08/14 00:36

i check it when i remember it exists, but i forgot my password :)

>8 marval @ 2022/08/14 10:10

I am here too, although not much.
I check bbj from time to time but I am more of a lurker.

>9 eggy @ 2022/08/14 13:38

yeah I figured there probably a lot of lurkers (myself included up until now), happy you, and everyone else are here!

>10 fenris @ 2022/08/18 14:15

Lurker here, too.

>11 danignat @ 2022/08/22 15:50

I used to check daily, but I was in vacation. My plant died, too :(

>12 eggy @ 2022/08/23 19:30

nooooo, I can help you water!! is it the same username?

>13 danignat @ 2022/08/24 04:54

Yes, the same :)
I just planted a new seed...

>14 eggy @ 2022/08/24 15:07

Hmm for some reason I can't visit you :/ if you want to visit me that should give me your username! Mine is just eggy!

>15 danignat @ 2022/08/25 07:21

I also couldn't visit you... Though I could visit some other people.
danignat is my username; I really don't know why it doesn't work. I'll go read some help for botany :)