>0 ben @ 2018/06/11 05:31
thought it might be nice to have an introduction thread now that we have our very own bbj :) i'm ~ben. i'm a software developer in michigan and i created tilde.team a little over a year ago when i found tilde.club and was unable to join. so here we are! i like sysadmin stuff, writing nice code, and playing some videogames (destiny 2 has been my main addiction lately). hit me up on irc if you need anything!
>1 cmccabe @ 2018/06/12 17:05
i'm ~cmccabe, as you might infer from my username. i'm the resident social science geek who initially got into computers through data analysis. now my interests have gravitated to exploring and evangelizing non-commerical shell-based communities like tilde.team. i am interested in connecting and supporting shell-based communities and bringing people together in recognition of their societal value. as corporate giants expand their control over an ever greater percentage of the information we see (both through news media and social network sites), non-commercial alternatives are increasingly important. to me, this is what tilde.team is all about. i also like programming on the unix os just for fun. all i need is more time! finally, i'm from maryland and if i'm not online here, i might in my canoe on the potomac river -- although occasionally i'm online *and* in the canoe on the potomac. :)
>2 ben @ 2018/06/12 19:51
>>1 enjoy nature a bit. disconnect for a while :P
>3 khuxkm @ 2018/07/07 00:34
Hi! I'm ~khuxkm, or ~minerobber (if you know me from elsewhere), or MineRobber9000, or... you know what? I have too many names. I'm a sysadmin here and I try to be helpful. If you have any questions, I may be able to help.
>4 tomasino @ 2018/07/29 23:41
Hi! I'm tomasino. I run a team (or a couple of teams depending on the time) of developers in a marketing agency specialized in healthcare. Our clients are mostly big pharma. It's pretty evil work, but hopefully it will be ending for me soon. I'm a gopher evangelist. I guess I'm generally a CLI evangelist. You can find me on gopher here, or more actively on gopher.black. I write a lot. That's my other thing. I like writing. Coding is good to pay the bills, but writing is my fun zone. I have some in-progress stories on gopher that you're welcome and encouraged to check out. I play some instruments. I'm a dual Italian/USA citizen, currently in Pennsylvania, USA. I'm soon to be headed to Iceland. Depending on when you read this, I may have already gone! I squat in IRC and like chatting. Hit me up.
>5 aewens @ 2018/07/31 03:27
Greetings, I'm ~aewens. I'm a systems engineer, software developer, and graphics designer. You can find me here and there on the IRC (particularly on #chaos) and may come to interact with my bot, BabiliBot. You may also see some of my design work on tilde.team, tildeverse.org, and maybe more along the way.
>6 brendantcc @ 2018/08/20 01:19
G'day, i'm brendantcc, but you can call me Brendan. I probably shouldn't be writing here, as from what I can tell, this is just intros for the sysadmins. I'm just a kid who loves tech, I suppose. Sad part is, I have to suck up with Windows on a Pentium processor, n 4GB ram. I really don't have much to say, except if you want to chat with me, i'm on the irc pretty often, so try and get in touch with me there, making sure you highlight me, or you can email me: [HOME (I use this the most)]: brendan3840@gmail.com [~TEAM (not as often, but I still use this)]: brendantcc@tilde.team See you around, I suppose. :)
>7 anonymous @ 2018/08/23 18:05
>>6 Not just for sysadmins -- this thread is for anyone in ~team to introduce themselves. :)
>8 ben @ 2018/08/23 18:06
>>7 that's right! maybe it looked like sysadmins only because they responded first?
>9 brendantcc @ 2018/08/29 04:27
and ben wins the prize! :D
>10 dpc @ 2018/09/06 11:12
>>6 how the heckie do you still use a pentium in 2018 lmao i'm dpc and my only talent is shitposting
>11 anonymous @ 2018/09/06 20:29
>>10 No shitposting please. We prefer people who put effort into making quality contributions to the community.
>12 khuxkm @ 2018/09/06 20:58
>>11 No ShItpOsTiNg PlEaSe. We PrEfEr PeOpLe WhO pUt EfFoRt InTo MaKiNg QuAlItY cOnTrIbUtIoNs To ThE cOmMuNiTy.
>13 dpc @ 2018/09/07 00:38
All posts must be constructive and contribute to the well-being of this society.
>14 dozens @ 2018/10/11 00:28
my name is dozens and I like to make constructive shitposts that contribute to the well-being of this society. <3, 12s dozens@tilde.team dozens@tilde.town @cpb@tiny.tilde.webite gopher://tilde.town/1/~dozens
>15 jk008 @ 2018/10/11 07:22
Hello! I'm jk008 (of course, that's not my real name). My hobbies are programming, sketching and puzzling. I came across ~team by chance, and I'm still a new user. I'm really busy these days, having a lot of work to do and a personal project at hand alongwith it. Mastodon: @jk008@mastodon.sdf.org Email: jk008@tilde.team
>16 murii @ 2018/10/11 12:55
Hi! My name is Muresan Vlad Mihail, known on the internet as murii. I'm a CS student in Romania,Arad, currently in 3rd year. I work as a software developer for 2 years in C++ and Java. I enjoy coding and learning as much as possible. In my free time I work on my programming language and my games!>>OP
>17 ben @ 2018/10/11 16:10
welcome to tilde.team! feel free to holler if you need anything!
>18 calypso @ 2018/10/23 17:01
hi, i'm calypso. nice to meet you, i do embedded systems programming and reverse engineering
>19 limni @ 2018/11/10 01:16
howdy! my name is limni, and i'm a weird internet person. i'm not terribly good at computers, but i enjoy learning new things and exploring interesting corners of the web. i'm currently trying to wrap my head around haskell, and have been tinkering with a disassembly of sonic 1 as a way of learning 68k asm. cats are cool.
>20 erxeto @ 2018/11/10 16:34
>>19 hey limni, welcome ! there are some sysadmings and developers on ~team. Feel free to ask if you have any doubts or need help with any tech subject. I'm sure you'll get help pretty quickly ;-)
>21 limni @ 2018/11/10 21:52
>>20 thanks! and if i see an opportunity to help, i'll try to chime in, as well. C:
>22 anonymous @ 2018/12/27 16:52
>>21 I'm Mike. I work on a farm in the English countryside. Live in a field. Am interested in life the universe and everything, and where life collects into small cosy places to socialize in the digital Aether. Gopher, text based (or otherwise) conferencing systems, talkers, and non commercial internet - freedom/humanity with a drop of UNIX: are some of my favourite things.
>23 anonymous @ 2018/12/27 17:35
Greetings to tilde.team
>24 mijk @ 2018/12/27 17:43
Hi i'm no longer anonymous - Mike from England! Greetings to all at tilde.team!
>25 ahriman @ 2018/12/28 06:04
I'm ~ahriman. I'm a general nerd living in Virginia Beach. I came across tilde.town over the summer and the larger tildeverse soon after that. Now I run my own tilde based around OpenBSD, have a tildeverse IRC node on ~institute, and run the tildeverse DCSS / Dungeon Crawl server!
>26 procmon @ 2019/01/09 22:40
Hi everyone! I'm a medical student in London. I was scrounging about in the fediverse and stumbled upon tilde.club, which led me down a deep rabbit hole and here. Love the idea of the tildeverse! Thank you sysops <3
>27 ben @ 2019/01/09 23:16
>>26 welcome everyone :) make sure to check out the wiki: https://tilde.team/wiki/ and the mailing list: tildeteam@lists.tildeverse.org archives here: https://lists.tildeverse.org/hyperkitty/list/tildeteam@lists.tildeverse.org/ the main communications stuff is on irc though see ya around! holler if you need anything
>28 christyotwisty @ 2019/01/24 02:03
Hello! I wrote an intro blog post https://tilde.team/~christyotwisty/blog/hello-i-am-new.html I am a housewife who once upon a time was a web project manager, web developer, content manager and editor. Command-line interfaces make me feel young. I would like to get back to work, maybe do QA and let my inner critic run riot and get paid for it. I like geocaching, puzzles, reading, snail mail and fountain pens. What attracted me to tilde.team were the initial mentions on Mastodon, particularly of tilderadio.org I have always enjoyed community-supported and independent radio and internet streaming. As more of my friends from Mastodon and a venerable and mighty public social network came over to broadcast and to play, my attraction grew. What prolonged my debut was the sense that tilde.team was for NetBSD, OpenBSD, greybeards and young'uns. So here I am, playing with the blog, watering plants, doddering around the byobu window management like a dementia patient out for a stroll, and thanks to introductions, I know to whom to holler. I use some Gopher, and like learning how to use curl, wget and Python to solve geocache puzzles. Thank you, ben and team!
>29 tfurrows @ 2019/01/24 18:27
Greetings ~team! Before you stands tfurrows, a casual *nix lover and frequent pubnix participant of regular proportions. You may know me from other haunts; I may know you too, because I am always lurking in the shadows. I'm happy to join ~team. I login daily over at ~town, and wasn't sure if joining other tildes was acceptable behavior. I've always wondered- and today, I asked ben in irc and found out that my idea was legitimate and normal. That's always nice to find out, especially when it's not apparent :) My interests are varied, but include fiddling with musical instruments (yes, including the violin,) computery stuff of all varieties, electronics z80 stuff (recently, in the past couple years,) and writing. There must be other interests, but those are the ones that are sitting in front of me on my desk, so they're probably among the chiefest (oh yeah, the dip pen/nibs that my wife bought me are sitting here on the shelf *next* to my desk; a new hobby, but we'll count it!) People are, above all, very interesting to me. Reach out to me any time, any way, and I'll try to reach back. And finally, a special note: I'm a little odd, perhaps, because I don't fly well in screen/tmux/byobu. It's not that I *can't* fly that way, it's that I don't *enjoy* it as much. I like to do one thing at a time, and to clean up each thing when I'm not actively doing it (except my desk, as noted above.) It's not you, it's me... I have nothing against tmux/etc, I just don't thrive there. So... if you see me in irc and I duck out, or anywhere else, that's the reason!
>30 deepend @ 2019/02/10 05:22
hey its deepend, I run yourtilde.com as well as a few other sites /services. Great to be a part of this great community!
>31 drgbr @ 2019/02/20 20:16
Hello all! I'm an economist from Brazil. I'm really into computers and eletronics as a hobby, and I look forward to learn and to contribute to the community :)
>32 branko @ 2019/02/20 21:40
Hi all, I am Branko, I really don't know what will turn out from this whole experience, but let's see. I work in Microsoft (yap, that one, contact me at my username here @microsoft.com for proof if needed:), but I also have my Mastodon instance, and I am into self-hosting. I am "opsessed" these days to wrap up project I am doing with some Argentinian dude which is here: https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition. It is Nextcloud app for face recognition. We are on it for months and we just want to release first beta. But, yeah, enough for introduction...:)
>33 apple @ 2019/02/25 16:25
Hi All. This is apple. I am from Toronto and I am a sw developer. Thanks all admins who provide and maintain the servers and shell accounts to ppl. I learned a lot with the help of you guys!
>34 txusinho @ 2019/03/03 22:19
Hi, this is Txus from Bilbao, Basque Country I'm a Computer Engineer, and I've worked as many things (researcher, consultant, support engineer, and developer). So, you're right, I have no idea of almost anything, lol. Currently I'm most focused in web frontend, and a bit of backend, but I'd like to move to backend/C/C++ programming. I've a deep interest in 3D stuff. I love puns, retro consoles and gaming. Learning new things is between my priorities, as well as know new people. I didn't know this tilde thing, and I'm impresses with the people here. Everyone seems to be nice, and eager to contribute. I love that. I try to be around at least once a day, so feel free to email/chat, I'm a very social person :)
>35 anonymous @ 2019/03/15 14:01
hi I'm audiofile! came here from tildes.net and this is my first experience joining a pubnix! I'm write code as a hobby and am majoring in compsci. also love dabbling in house music production. that's about it I guess haha
>36 codingquark @ 2019/03/16 13:11
Hi, I am codingquark. You can find me in the cyberworld with the same handle at most places. I works as a software developer in India. I try to get people to use Free Software as much as I can. Really. I got my $WORK to move to matrix.org from Slack. I run my own XMPP and stuff from my home. Apart from really enjoying programming, I love mathematics. I also enjoy music and reading. I read quite a bit. I always have books in queue so that I am never in the situation where I do not know what to read. And I buy physical books, so that I can avoid proprietary crap. There are places where I have to use proprietary shit in my life, but I am surely trying. Some day! I also help a local university with various things (including teaching once in a while). An important thing is that I LOVE emacs. It is life, it is love. It is "The Way". Boy message boards! Thanks for this!
>37 tomasino @ 2019/03/16 13:51
>>36 Welcome, codingquark! Glad to have you around, even if you cherish the wrong $EDITOR :wq
>38 codingquark @ 2019/03/16 13:57
>>37 I respect the choices of people! I hope it will give you salvation!
>39 brendantcc @ 2019/03/20 03:21
>>12 No, it's fine - I should be saying how i suck up with an Intel Pentium in 2018- ahem... 20*19*.. Like, WHO USES THEM THESE DAYS?
>40 txusinho @ 2019/03/20 12:04
>>39 Wise people who don't like to waste nature resources and know they're limited. I salute you!
>41 johnblood @ 2019/04/05 01:05
Hi, I am johnblood. I enjoy playing with technology. I find the whole terminal expierence very interesting bcause I'm a fan of the wearly history of the PC. Like ~ben, I am from Michigan. I like writing fiction (I have writin several detective stories), but the manjority of my output is out Linux and other FOSS topics. If you are interesred you can check out a little site named itsfoss.com. I hope to learn a lot of the next couple of months and beyond about the world of terminal computing.
>42 starkweather @ 2019/04/05 14:06
Hey guys! I'm Starkweather on here, and I'm as close to a professional lurker as you can get. I joined a while back, and then life happened and I forgot about the tildeverse in general. But I'm back! I've ran Linux exclusively for about 15 years now, but I've forgotten more than I care to admit. These days I spend a decent amount of time reading either fantasy, or Tudor/Stewart era histories, and playing table-top roleplaying games (Call of Cthulhu, D&D, Apocalypse World, etc.) Anyway, Nice to finally say hello!
>43 tomasino @ 2019/04/08 03:08
>>41 Oooh, a writer. Have you checked out cosmic.voyage yet? We're your tilde friend
>44 txusinho @ 2019/04/11 10:23
>>42 More than happy to see you around. I'm not very constant, but hey, there's life far from the terminal, too :)
>45 hauntologikal @ 2019/04/20 20:10
hello friends and users of computers! my name is hauntologikal on this interface but you can call me meir! i'm just a little dude who loves design and philosophy, specifically logic and philosophy of aesthetics! i've been getting my feet wet in unix for a few years but never really sunk myself in all the way, so for me this is a way to learn and grow with a bunch of other users/friends! im an amateur dj and a huge fan of field recordings, glitch music, traditional east asian folk, lowercase/onkyo, drone, krautrock, etcetc, and a lover of bugs. im hoping to learn more about computing as a Place and Space through this!!! i grew up in japan, so feel free to practice your japanese with me as well! i don't really know what to say here, but i just can't get over how excited i am...
>46 wingy @ 2019/04/29 22:23
>>OP Hi! I'm ~wingy from tilde.town. I requested my account here to join IRC/BBJ.
>47 notopygos @ 2019/07/21 19:09
hello ~team I am ~notopygos from ~town, I like playing with computers, currently I am working on a fast word unscrambler in rust.
>48 thekingofbandit @ 2019/08/20 18:18
Hello, I am Khanafi! From Indonesia. If no one know where is it, I might say BALI! I used to be an QA for software developer, but as my back-end guys lazy to setup mariadb, on our ugly server, So I am start googling journey, mostly "how to" do something. start from cron job-ing database backup restore from rasberry-pi to our windows server. I don't know if you understand my english, but yes, I am english literature department '*fai**products' Not quite sure, but I 'd love to do the job using terminal, maybe devops is my dream, but yes I just training about container on my sony VAIO laptop 3GB RAM with partition ubuntu 19.0 married with windows 10, 256GB drive I hope someday I can make big lot of money by opening terminal!! OK, I have to go to sleep now, it was 01:15 AM, feel like a vampire. my nickname thekingofbandit. Cheers, Mohammad Khanafi
>49 exr @ 2019/09/16 13:58
Hello, ~exr here, from Spain. Coding since a child in the early nineties. As a BBS early adopter back in the time, I feel like home here. This community is like a dream came true. Nowadays I pay my bills coding in TypeScript, fullstack. Excited learning Rust. Aside from coding and hacking stuff, I love cinema, festivals, parties, everything electronic, demoscene, and learning knots (with a rope, you know =o). I used to play videogames, not anymore. Drop me a line anytime. I will join tilde.chat sooner than later too. Thanks for being here. I am really proud of joining the club. Cheers, mates :)
>50 pants @ 2019/09/16 17:11
Hello! I'm a physics graduate student about a year out from my PhD. Visit my tilde.club homepage to see a recent picture of my desk plants.
>51 Jander @ 2019/09/16 18:15
Grizzled software dev, shedding a little tear having last used a BBS 20+ years ago :)
>52 roy @ 2019/09/16 21:56
>>50 I'm shamelessly pasting the introduction I sent on the mailing list ahah: Hello .club! I'm roy niang, a visual artist based in Bordeaux, France. I mainly work with analog photography but I'm working on a "procedural" print on demand book. You can check my stuff here: - https://royniang.com - https://instagram.com/royniang I wiped my tilde.town page but I'm thinking about creating something new on club and on town :) Cheers, roy niang
>53 tallship @ 2019/09/17 09:08
Well I suppose it's time that I chimed in here. I'm tallship, in most places. That makes it easy to know it's me if you're looking. I'm just a schmoe, like all the other little people out there that Judy Garland should thank for her Oscar (She didn't really do that). So tilde.club just opened up and I'm posting from a nice, shiney, brand new Fedora box there. Glad that has occurred, because the impetus for the ~ movement shouldn't be left to atrophe. And it's in good hands. Anyway, not much to say about myself but you can always finger me if you like (No pun intended) @tilde.team - last time I checked it's open to outside queries. It's been great reading everyone's intros and I'm usually idling in #team and #meta, and now I"ll be sure to do the same for #club. I'm on intermittently and usually chime in when I'm logged in, so if you need to get a hold of me or want to chat just /msg me - you don't need to ask (Unless you see me online and active in chan, if that's the case, then yes, it is polite to ask before pm'ing w/a /query or /msg). I promise to respond whenever I log back on to the ~verse as I always check my weechat before even going to mail. You can also reach me in #tallship on freenode, but I'm not always there, so if you want to get ahold of me that way just ping me (the one with the [m] following the nick, and that will get my attention as I've always got my Riot client running on my phone, or if you're on matrix my room is #tallship:matrix.org :) ciao!
>54 computer t-shirts @ 2019/09/18 16:42
hi hey, you will probably find me around the nets and here as ~streetlamp or ~computershirts. im a web application developer at a public university library which is pretty chill since libraries are rad. currently into dumb hardware experiments, tracking aircraft for flightaware (https://flightaware.com/adsb/stats/user/computershirts), postin things? on https://secretinternet.club/ and I have been playing CS since 1.3 which I cant give up for some reason. i also collect 'dead' media formats, older/vintage mac hardware and C64 related things. just really happy to be here coach
>55 peat @ 2019/09/20 15:16
Hi peeps! I'm Peat, in real life and all over the Internets. I've been coping with a powerful nostalgia for '90s era BBSes and *nix shells, where I cut my teeth as a young lad. In my spare time I hack on some personal Rust projects, including https://text.camp/ ... which will someday be a MUD-like system for creative text play. :D
>56 pencils @ 2019/09/20 16:28
Hello, I'm, ~pencils. I had a tilde.town with a different name and I got locked out of it. I hadn't really used it in about 4 years, so here I go again on the original ~ Since then I've gotten into the Dominions series by Illwinter games and I've been running servers for it. If you like strategy games with lots of little details Dominions is definitely for you! I'm technically inclined but I don't work in tech. I live in Albuquerque which is a neat city for a good number of reasons. Feel free to send an email or whatever. Glad to be among the rest of tilde.club!
>57 Guest @ 2019/09/20 19:16
Hello! I'm here under the name Guest. Increasingly, I use this pseudonym. Why am I Guest? In part because it is a hilarious test on the naming systems we encounter in internet systems. It's a fun experiment! "Nobody" is another great name to have when you can get it. I live in the Pacific Northwest, I work in information security. It was in tight little NNTP and IRC communities that I grew up and learned many of the skills that would later enable my career. I never intended to work with computers, quite the contrary, as a young adult I considered them valuable tools but that ultimately had their value frequently obscured by the drive of commercialism and consumption. My contemporary perception is not too much different. I was an early adopter of the "social" internet, and an early abandoner of it as well. For a time around the inception of Tumblr, I was part of a group developing a social media platform that focused on blogging within small pre-connected groups. It succeeded, but was limited to the scale of real networks, and we never set up a sister site before we eventually shut down. How and why I work with computers and what I do with them, whether my actions as an agent of some employer are ultimately enabling elevation of humanity, exploitation or entrenchment of bad habits and destructive behaviors remains an open line of interrogation. ~Guest
>58 UniQMG @ 2019/09/21 01:12
Hey everyone, I'm UniQMG. I've had an interest in older forms of social media and shared services such as BBSs, IRC, and shared unix systems (like this one!). I wasn't really around at the time when these systems were in their prime, so when I found ~club on hackernews a few days ago I thought it was perfect. I live in the US and I'm 18. This is my first shared unix system. I've been programming for several years on my own, and I enjoy making random projects (this seems like a perfect place for some of them). Nice to meet the denizens of ~club, I hope we can engage in some *nix and web project tomfoolery.
>59 ngp @ 2019/09/22 02:45
Hey everyone, I'm ~ngp! I heard about this place on SDF's bboard, and decided to check it out. I'm a 22 year old software engineer for a regional telecom and ISP in the midwest. My time at an ISP has given me unique insight into the communication and protocols that drive the internet, and I'm always looking to learn more. I'm very interested in *nix, FOSS, and communication between systems. My username, ngp, are my initials, and I only recently started using it as a handle. I'm known as a few other names across the internet: Packet Lost & Found, packet_lost, and chiefnoah are some of my other names. I look forward to meeting you all, and I hope we can all learn something and have fun! :)
>60 jecxjo @ 2019/09/27 04:36
Hey everyone, I'm ~jecxjo I'm a 36 year old Electrical Engineer who grew up in the dial-up BBS days, specialised communications and OS development and after a decade working in the energy industry inventing the first oil and gas extraction system that used mesh networking...I quit my job and now do fulls stack development for an advertising company doing sweep stakes, rebates, and text-to-win contests. I'm an Amateur Radio Operator (AD0QM), grew up on the Great Lakes but now live in Minnesota. For work I make nice pretty websites but when I'm doing them for myself I exclusively create crappy pages. I MUD on Aardwolf (biff is my name), I love just about every sport, including the obscure ones. Married, two kids, two dogs, kayaking, biking and lots of outdoors when I'm not online. Oh and I love MST3k (I'm watching it while I type this).
>61 dddaaannn @ 2019/09/28 20:13
Hello! I'm ~dddaaannn here and in a few other places, @dan_sanderson on Twitter. Delighted to see there's still an active interest in the tilde lifestyle. I'm always interested in old computer stuff, especially '80s 8-bits but also pre-web and early-web Internet. I have a small collection of vintage machines and an active interest in digital electronics and computer architecture. I'm still pretty new at restoring the old stuff but am eager to learn. Command line and terminal GUI apps are also my jam. I'm all for modern and browser-based UI applications, but terms are cozy, well-ordered (most of the time), and tend to provide power and flexibility intentionally withheld in modern GUIs, more like a medium than a finished work. I have dozens of other unrelated interests and tend to bounce around between them and never make any progress. I spend most of my time looking at all the cool stuff other people do and complaining that I don't have enough time to do cool stuff of my own. :) I've been a web tech pro for 20+ years. If anyone has any questions, no matter how basic, email me here at tilde.club and I'll try to help. -- dddaaannn
>62 LickTheCheese @ 2019/10/01 01:50
Hi im LickTheCheese i am a student studying to be a software dev or something like that btw i use Arch
>63 mukt @ 2019/10/01 18:54
>>62 Welcome LickTheCheese! I am new here aswell good luck with your career, how do you find arch compared to other distro's?
>64 mayhair @ 2019/10/05 03:49
Hello frens, I am ~mayhair. I am also referred to as 'MahaerHD: Rebooted' on YouTube and 'Mahaer Mahmud' on something called real life... I'm a teenager who likes GNU + Linux. I turned 13 a month ago.. When I was 12, I wanted to install it on my MacBook... but alas, there was no trackpad or keyboard support. So I got my HP Spectre x360, which I still use to this day. It came with Windows 10 Home. I first installed Pinguy OS. I was hungry for more power, so I installed Antergos. It was discontinued, though, and I was hungry for EVEN MORE power... so I installed Void GNU + Linux. I installed stock Windows 10 Enterprise twice (cracked with KMSPico - tee hee), so now I can dual boot Void and Windows. Of course I use Void almost all the time. I joined this community back in September, and I really enjoy the idea of connecting to an SSH server and writing documents... I don't know, it just is so relaxing and evokes vapourwave/future funk/whatever vibes. :) My father wants me to learn programming. I kinda also want to... and I chose to do a school project based on that... so I am learning Python first with this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfscVS0vtbw). I may upload projects that run on tilde.team ;) When I grow up, I want to run my own GNU + Linux webservers as a job... if you want you can tell me some great organisations for that. (NASA comes to mind :P) So that's my introduction. It was relaxing to write it... ahhh And also, my contact information! E-mail: mahaer.mahmud@gmail.com (I can abandon Gmail, I don't really like using a Google service. Tell me why and how I should do it.) Fediverse: Mahaer_Mahmud@mas.to
>65 mayhair @ 2019/10/05 03:50
I'm sorry if this was long, I like writing long stuff, tee hee. >>64
>66 mayhair @ 2019/10/05 03:51
Hey! Void is a better distro! /s >>62
>67 LickTheCheese @ 2019/10/10 19:01
>>66 but i like my systemd and AUR :(
>68 hnb @ 2019/10/22 05:17
Hi! Greeting to all! I'm hnb (or call me Hiro). I'm linux hobbyist and have been using for couple years now. Just still learning Ubuntu (specifically Lubuntu for my laptop, and I thought joining here would be a great learning opportunity! Also I'm into plain-text websites and reading interesting contents now sine I wanted to take advantage of the situation of bad and slow internet connection :P Since I have to take care of my kids, I can't hung out long but I'll be here time to time. Glad to be here!
>69 krabs @ 2019/10/23 15:23
Hello, I am ~krabs, you probably don't know me. I'm pretty new to software/computer science but everything that I've been learning so far has been pretty interesting. Also, I'm a freshman university student here in the states but, I started programming around halfway through highschool. I have some experience just don't ask me to write you a compiler or anything :). I joined tilde.team mainly so that I could practice/learn programming ideas and be around people interested in that sort of thing. I also use manjaro linux as my daily driver so you can make fun of me for that if you want :).
>70 hnb @ 2019/10/24 11:06
>>69 Hi! Golad to see you!
>71 mhd @ 2019/10/27 22:23
Hi, I'm ~mhd, which makes me somewhat easy to find on other sites, too. And no, I'm not the French rapper... In my day job, I'm a computer programmer/team lead, currently working in healthcare marketing. Been fiddling around with Linux and other Unices since Win95 turned out to be a dud (and my OS/2 Warp install crashed once too often). So this tilde experience is a bit of a throwback, for me like a mixture of those early days of discovering new stuff on "sunsite" every day (another language!, another IRC client! another editor! another UI toolkit!), and my early BBSing days (mostly local ones, but I enjoyed FIDONet a lot). I'm really meaning to get a "phlog" running, but have yet to muster the persistence to get regular entries out. My plans here are making this a focus of my "retrocomputing" attempts in general, so old-school website, gopher, some command line tools etc.
>72 rireki @ 2019/11/06 08:09
I'm rireki. I'm a high school graduate, circa 2019. I found out about this server from an SDF bboard post. Still trying to figure out life. Prone to midday sleepyness. That's it, I guess.
>73 gmw @ 2019/11/10 21:30
I'm gmw. Got the Internet bug in uni circa 1991. Back then it was NNTP, IRC, and MUD. And Slackware. And OPEN LOOK. That's what brought me here again. Except OPEN LOOK. Programming in Swift now, happily. In other news, I'm into sailing, music, cooking and eating and drinking. Cheers!
>74 hexen @ 2019/12/11 16:59
Hello! I'm hexen. I'm a student too, as many others here it seems. I study a liberal arts degree, but I really like computers (been a GNU/Linux user since I was a kid) and I'm trying to learn Scheme and improve my sysadmin abilities. I hope to improve my HTML here too! Have a nice day everyone!
>75 a @ 2019/12/13 20:59
bruh i'm a coder i code stuff i code in javascript, html, css and node.js i love discord i create discord.js bots i love communities like this with cool sysadmins who help poeple and the community is nice. i don't know what to say this is a wrap up of my registration thingy
>76 a @ 2019/12/13 21:09
arch btw i use.>>62
>77 jy4m @ 2020/01/03 06:11
What is up folks? I'm Joe. Late-millennial neurotic. I live in MPLS MN, USA. I'm here to learn and build. I'm still figuring stuff out but I like the community so far.
>78 thecomputergeek @ 2020/01/08 12:18
thecomputergeek here, my usual UNIX/Linux username is the-computer-geek, AKA riff-IRC on IRC. Computer/electricity/electronics nerd here. This message sent from my triple-monitor custom-built main computer setup.
>79 antharia @ 2020/01/21 17:22
Hello, i'm Antharia Jack. I like small online communities, so i signed up on tilde.club. I'm an electronic musician. Recently i was on : - "Build your own lisp" online book. I'm learning C in the same time. - Web hacking. I did some CTFs on hacker101 and hackthebox. Noob level. - Gamedev. I follow GDQuest tutorials on Godot engine. - Pixel & voxel art. - Some graphic design. - Custom instruments on Native Instruments Reaktor. I really started to use Linux after stumbling upon r/unixporn. I was hooked to command line since then. Don't hesitate to get in touch. Some links : https://merveilles.town/@antharia https://soundcloud.com/noyaudur https://noyaudur.bandcamp.com/ https://antharia.github.io/
>80 stelima @ 2020/02/16 16:59
~stelima here, old school dude, online since 1992, *nix lover, rationalist. Nice to meet you all
>81 ~stern @ 2020/03/26 15:42
>>OP i'm ~stern, I like linux and vim, currently taking comunity colledge classes. I am happy to be here, this is my first tilde.
>82 cano @ 2020/03/30 00:27
I'm ~cano. I'm a former NEET and tinkerer. I love playing with software and seeing what I can make happen. I joined the tildes because I was referred to this community during a discussion about communal computer resources. I love learning and anything I can learn from the tildes or any users here is appreciated. Happy tilding!
>83 cypher137 @ 2020/04/07 01:48
hi im cypher (yea i know the name is cringe i did it for lulz ) im a 15y old developer and prograer both front and backend and i like to call myself a unix wizard cauz windows sucks always looking to help people feel free to write cypher whenever you see im loged on https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/write-command-in-linux-with-examples/ best regards
>84 jormis @ 2020/04/15 08:38
Hello, I'm jormis from Helsinki, Finland. I have been doing computer stuff since the early 80s (VIC-20, C=64). Unix has been a friend of mine since 1989 in various forms: Solaris, AIX, HP-UX and, obviously, Linux (since 1993). Nowadays I'm more in the managing or enabling software projects teams. I do code some in my spare time, in C and Go lately. As other hobbies, occasionally I make music: soundcloud.com/jormis and also watch movies: letterboxd.com/jormis
>85 Shufei @ 2020/05/02 22:44
Howdy do, I'm a dilettante of tech, but do enjoy learning unix systems. Right now I'm on tilde for Cosmic.Voyage, but wouldn't mind exploring more. I'm often poking about SDFThanks for this lovely system!
>86 tubbo @ 2020/05/09 07:53
i'm ~tubbo, a musician and software developer from philadelphia. i compose for video games, film, and television, and i also work on several open-source projects such as redis-store, workarea, and puma-dev. i'm in a live house music band called the wonder bars, but during this quarantine i've been streaming live improvised acid house as "payperviewacidcrew" on twitch.
>87 marsred @ 2020/05/09 14:40
Hi all, I'm mars from India, I like learning new things and am fascinated by the world of unix
>88 tomasino @ 2020/06/18 00:57
>>52 Hey roy, welcome! I just followed you on insta. Cheers!
>89 seisatsu @ 2020/06/25 15:55
Hello, I go by Sei. I've been running Linux servers and using Linux as my primary operating system for about 10 years. My interest in retro and minimalist computing and alternative Internet communities is what led me to Gemini, and then the Tildeverse. I've signed up on a few tildes and am mirroring my projects and Gemini homepage on each, while I see what they have to offer. I currently work in Tech Support and Training, and my career goal is System Administration. My interests include software, web, and games development, retro gaming and computing, anime, the occult, sword fighting, and tucked away communities like this one that don't spend money to come looking for you. My primary programming language is Python 3. It's nice to be here! P.S. I'm currently running something fun, multiplayer, and sandboxy on telnet port 37381 on a few tildes, including this one. I'll post more about it later in the "What have you guys been working on?" thread.
>90 annathecrow @ 2020/07/09 10:18
>>89 "sword fighting" intriguing. Are you in SCA or...?
>91 tinfoil-hat @ 2020/07/13 01:43
Hi there, I listen by the nickname tinfoil-hat and was a Linux Admin, before I became sick and live now from an disabillity check. I am also on IRC, but I am not good at fluent english conversations and use it rather as a tool to get held for troubleshooting. I started learning linux in 2014 and am now in the transition to migrate to BSDs. I came across tile on Fediverse and instantly liked the idea. my Page is at https://tilde.club/~tinfoilhat/ which is a mirror of my page at https://tinfoil-hat.net/ at the moment of writing. I plan to do a regulary mirrorring of the page, but I don't want to make false promises. I put very much effort in creating this page I am generating via pandoc and tree. However have a nice day, greetings - tinfoil-hat
>92 jamesgoca @ 2020/07/14 13:19
Hi! I'm jamesoca. I am new to the tildeverse but I am excited to get started! I came here from the Medium -- yeah, I know, Medium (ick)! -- post about the history of tilde.club and I thought I'd join. Nice to emeet y'all!
>93 caranatar @ 2020/07/18 06:58
Hi! I go by caranatar most places online now. You can find me on the birb site, github, @tilde.zone, and probably some other places I'm not thinking of right now under that name. I'm a software dev by trade and hobby. I'm really surprised I never heard of the tildeverse until now, but I was going to implement a gopher server in typescript to start learning the language, stumbled upon the gemini project, then stumbled upon the tildeverse from there. And I ended up starting a gemini server implementation in typescript instead of a gopher server. I look forward to learning more about all the awesome stuff that exists in the tildeverse, because I know I'm just scratching the surface at this point. hail eris, ~caranatar
>94 skeetcha @ 2020/07/28 05:37
Hello everyone! I'm ~skeetcha as the tag implies. I'm currently finishing up my last year of university studying mixed media (mostly focusing on film, musical theatre, video game design, and music) alongside a Computer Science minor. I had Computer Science as my major for a while but after doing an internship with a large tech company I'll refrain from naming (mostly for privacy reasons), I decided that I wanted a change and a broader focus in my studies. Hence the change. I'm a video game developer (currently working on one using RPG Maker MV and JavaScript), a hobbyist web developer (mostly for my own personal site), an aspiring voice actor (need to get down to actually recording auditions), a musician (recorded some guitar tracks for original songs today), an actor (have been in many theatre shows and was going to be in one last spring), a filmmaker (I have an IMDB page for working on a short film that apparently entered into a film contest and won), and an all-around storyteller. I've learned quite a bit of programming languages (Java, C++, Python, Julia, and C# to name a few) along with being able to play basically most common instruments except for the flute (need to work on embouchure) and any brass instrument (can't buzz to save my life, haha). Alongside the programming languages, I've also learned a couple natural languages (in the process of learning German and have learned American Sign Language to an intermediate level) and am creating a few languages for some of my stories (notably the video game that I mentioned I'm in the middle of developing). I'm pretty new to the Tildeverse, but would be down to sit in IRC some time. Feel free to send a mail if ya want to chat.
>95 Geo @ 2020/08/04 08:21
Greetings! My name is ~Geo, and I'm a 21 year old dual German/American citizen currenty living in Hawaii, where I've lived for the last 3 years now. My dad is an American naval officer, so I've lived in tons of different places, but I spent most of my childhood in a few neighboring states in New England, so that's typically the answer I give if someone asks where I'm from. I'm currently studying at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and my major is Information & Computer Science, so it's little surprise I guess that I love the Tildeverse. I look forward to seeing you around! :)
>96 kalium @ 2020/08/15 16:00
>>95 Morning, evening, whatever it is wherever you are. I'm Kalium, currently living in Durham (NE England, just south of Newcastle). I like many things that fall under the umbrella of "making things" - fiction writing, drawing, worldbuilding, sculpture, mapmaking, and fiddling about with webpages. I also like to mod this one 25 year old pet sim whose fanbase gleefully refuses to die, which was the first time I dabbled with code, way back when. Not much more to say about me, especially not these days. I like to go walking in the woods looking for wildlife because there's not much more to do right now. Looking to expand my horizons a little outside what the internet's turned into. Nice to meet you all!
>97 jacksonbenete @ 2020/08/21 19:53
Hello there, my name is Jackson, I'm from Brazil but I'm currently living in Argentina. I like to write fiction and to play solo rpg (to write fiction). I'm planning to use this BBJ often since I was looking for an active BBS for a while. I'm also planning to start to finger blogging, so if you finger me you will be receiving updates already, unfortunately not much people seems interested in it though. Nice to meet you all.
>98 swiftmandolin @ 2020/08/25 22:02
Hey there! I am swiftmandolin. I'm from Tennessee, a mobile developer (iOS and Android) by day.. and well, a professional rabbit hole explorer by night. Expoloring rabbit holes is how I ended up here! I have lots of hobbies! I like playing guitar, piano, singing, mandolin, etc. I also like photography, mainly analog photography though. I also have taken an interest in coffee, tea, bourbon, and now gopher/gemini and the tildeverse!! Looking forward to meeting everyone and having fun here. The programming languages I know best are: Swift, PHP, and Kotlin. I also write in Obj-C, Java, and JavaScript if needed! Learned C++ in college as well. I also spend a LOT of time helping people with git, so if you need any help with git, feel free to reach out! I might have an answer!
>99 fenris @ 2020/08/26 14:51
Hi, I'm ~fenris and I'm into playing Metal. I play guitar in Swamp Corpse and we play Doom Metal: https://swamp-corpse.bandcamp.com
>100 paulgorman @ 2020/08/27 22:29
Hi, I'm ~paulgorman. I live near Detroit. I've worked as a sysadmin, and enjoy programming as a hobby. Recently, I discover the Gemini protocol, so I've been writing toy clients and servers in Go. Sometimes I play Dungeons & Dragons. Thanks for having me here.
>101 russell @ 2020/08/28 16:31
Hi everyone, my names Russell. I'm originally from Perth and now live in Melbourne. Currently employed as an Automation Tester, mainly using Postman for API Testing and JMeter for Performance Testing. I'm a bit of a lurker to be honest. I like reading/listening to what others have to say (which makes me a great date!). My plan is too open up more in a community where there may be others who have similar interests to me. I run Linux on my main PC (I use Arch btw). My tech interests are very broad, but I would say programming (even though I'm not very good at it), Linux and Sysadmin related topics are what interest me most. I plan on building a home server shortly. Favourite authors are Donna Tartt and Jack Kerouac. I'll probably lurk a lot in chat. Look forward to talking further.
>102 lewiscowper @ 2020/09/02 18:55
Hi all, I'm ~lewiscowper, or Lewis for short. I'm from sunny Scotland originally, and now live in Berlin. I'm currently working as a software developer, with a specialisation in reliability engineering. I'm going to try and not be too much of a lurker, (I also use arch ~russell), but I'm definitely prone to it. I'm really excited by the various concepts of the small internet, and alternative internet protocols like gopher or gemini. Finally set up mosh + tmux so that my irc client remains connected, so I'd love to learn about anything anyone else has to know outside of the wiki about anything related. ~lewiscowper
>103 snowdusk @ 2020/09/04 15:20
Hello Tildeverse! Welcome to all of us! I also have just realized I really have not done a self-introduction. I joined yourtilde.com (now merged with tilde.club??) I think about 3 yrs ago but I lost track (also lost the password LOL) and so I rejoined the Tildeverse in June of this year. I am now a member of tilde.club. I live in a city called Brampton, Ontario, Canada. It is a large city by Canadian standards :-P part of the Greater Toronto Area. I have also lived in other countries like Japan and the Philippines. I DJ/host a live Internet radio show on Tilderadio (radio streamed by and for users of the Tildeverse.. please remember that :-)) every Sun Mon Tue Wed 01:00-02:00 UTC (please tune in if you can!). It's pretty much a live DJ set where I play classic and current electronic (mostly dancee) music with random babbling. I try my best to make it very interactive with my listeners who are all logged into IRC (https://tilde.chat) in the #tilderadio channel. I do have a full time day job -- not related to computers or IT at all so please be gentle with me talking about high level computer talk because I might not understand you :-P BUT I am a huge fan/supporter/user of anything UNIX-ey (or *nix-ey to be more politically correct haha) and so I do know how to get around here and can use the highly coveted commandline interface (LOL). I am logged onto IRC pretty much most of the time (thanks TMUX) but may not be in front of my keybored all the time but please do send me a private message or email and I will try my best to respond (responding to messages/emails is one of my biggest weaknesses btw T _ T). You can find out more about me on my tilde homepage! https://tilde.club/~snowdusk/about/ Check it out! See you around! snowdusk
>104 arthureroberer @ 2020/09/06 05:39
hello frens, my name is arthur and I live in mexico city dark forces in 4chan have twisted my mind and now im an emacs user and from there I discovered gemini (the small web) and that led me here a pleasure to meet you all \(^o^)/ and blood for the blood god
>105 peron @ 2020/09/07 04:53
>>OP Nice to meet you all. I'm ~peron, a free software user and advocate. I use computers since many, many years ago. Since 2009 I write Ubuntu Peronista, an indoctrination Blog dealing with the Ubuntu free Operating System and the inexhaustible achievements Justicialism has granted to the Argentine Nation. Several friends from SDF helped me on setting my user. You can check the www https://tilde.club/~peron and the gopherhole gopher://tilde.club/1/~peron p.-
>106 peron @ 2020/09/07 04:54
>>104 Un gran saludo Arthur. Have a nice day!
>107 peron @ 2020/09/07 04:57
>>97 Un gran saludo para Argentina! Soy nuevo (en tl tilde.club). ~peron
>108 bl0rt @ 2020/09/08 16:11
Hey All, I'm bl0rt. I'm not sure what I'd say I do professionally, I work for a small manufacturing company and manage like a dozen databases and write programs/scripts in python/c# to keep things moving in the warehouse. I also manage a few pretty complex reporting systems. Back when I was a teenager I wanted to be a sysadmin, and when I was in college I became a free software enthusiast but for some reason I've only been able to find jobs where the whole stack is windows ;_; I'm very excited about this community though. I can't wait to dig deeper and learn more about this ecosystem. Outside of my interests here I've been learning about self-hosting this year and am trying to learn kubernetes and proxmox at home with minor success so far. I have a history of spreading myself thin with personal projects, but this year I feel like I'm hitting my stride wrt followthrough. I'd love to get good at clojure this year, but it's an uphill battle for me so far. (If anyone wants to help me learn clojure shoot me an email at my tilde.team address :) ) I do other stuff too, but for the most part those hobbies are socially focused and have been negatively affected by coronavirus. I have a condition that puts me at high risk which has made times weird for me recently. OH also I'm on the tilde.zone mastodon if you want to look for me there. Nice to meet everyone!
>109 tychi @ 2020/09/26 20:47
Greetings, fellow beings. I'm new to the tildeverse, but setting up my home among the stars on [rainbow: cosmic.voyage]. I've been a web dev for the past decade and I'm finding more and more my interests vary from my peers. I like simple, well built things. I love my MiniDisc player, film camera (Minolta SRT 101), and N64 (with an EverDrive cart). Newer things are shiny, but fade quickly. I'm currently living inthe SF bay area and always looking to make friends. Maybe we can play board games when this whole pandemic is behind us. Cheerio? ~tychi
>110 amrowsell @ 2020/09/29 07:10
Hey peeps. My name is Alexander, I'm a Canadian hacker. I can wield a soldering iron or a compiler with ease. However, I'm not one of those dark voodoo magic RF people. I joined tilde.club after snowdusk told me about it. I'm also a member on SDF. I'm hoping that this causes no contenion, I don't see why multiple different UNIX communities can't exist in tandem. There are things I like about each place! I'm hoping to do a show on tilderadio soon. Got a few ideas lines up, we'll see how they play out. Currently doing a few random personal projects, including designing a little circuit board that will play random quotes from one of my favourite podcasts when you press a button. Other fans have also expressed an interest in having one, so I might do a small run of them. Anyway, super glad to be here, and hoping to make some new friends here! (which seems to have already started :))) -amr
>111 dgy @ 2020/10/03 19:41
Hi, this is dgy or deadguy for long. I'm from Argentina, and i really like computers new and old. I'm very much into using computers to make art in non conventional ways, like textart and glitching and livecoded music. Pixel art is pretty neat also. I'm happy to say i'm somewhat terrible at all of them but i enjoy the process when i get into it. Currently i'm looking into self-hosting on a (n almost nonexistant) budget in an effort to tear away from all the big companies since the implications of continued use of their software strike me as pretty grim. Also social media was doing my head in so i've mostly quit it (i still have an instagram account, which i use every now and then). I really miss the 90s internet i grew up in, and long for the 80s one i was too young to experience, so a place like this feels like it would be an excellent fit for me. Anyway, this has been a ramble... I'm on irc a lot :)
>112 peron @ 2020/10/10 17:46
>>94 Nice to meet you!
>113 SeerLite @ 2020/11/03 19:13
>114 SeerLite @ 2020/11/03 19:15
whoops Hi! I'm SeerLite, just some random person browsing the internet. I've actually known about the tildeverse for quite some time, but haven't really explored it that much. It was only now that I was looking for a new email provider provider that I remembered that tilde.team existed (although I'm not sure if it's even allowed to use these emails for anything not-tilde :s). I really like this community and enjoy lurking and see what projects you've got going on. I'm generally pretty shy online though (and it takes me ages to write in English) so I don't really post a lot (much less chat like IRC). Oh and thank you to all admins here. I really appreciate all the stuff you do! Sidenote: Anyone know of a way to change the editor for bbj? $EDITOR seemed to do nothing.
>115 bkersh @ 2020/11/13 01:48
Hi all I'm Bobby and I am a human being! I work as a sysadmin as a trade so I'm no stranger to the Unix/Linux world. I've been nostalgic for the "old web" lately, and these tilde communities look pretty cool. Obviously I'm a hugh tech nerd, but also an avid b-movie buff (currently binging the insane world of Neil Breen). Just checking everything out here, hope to see you all on IRC!
>116 edel @ 2020/11/22 05:20
Hello! My name is edel. I'm just a software developer from Canada. Originally found this place by someone's link on Reddit but after signing up on Mastodon, I saw many tilde members on the fediverse and I finally decided to look more into it. And then I made the jump! Outisde of deving I like to write, knit, crochet, and binge Netflix shows. I also collect fountain pens and I have way too many notebooks. Looking forward to seeing you all around the tildeverse. :)
>117 lohn @ 2020/11/24 08:56
>>OP Hello! My name is Lohn and I am a Sysadmin from Brazil. I'm recently discovered tildeverse and want to keep it up. Thanks for creating this space!
>118 yaz @ 2020/11/30 18:00
Hi all! ~Yaz here, and happy to be here. I found out about the [rainbow: tildeverse] a while ago, and briefly participated in hypertext.website for a time. I work as a software engineer -- mobile apps with react-native right now -- and enjoy hacking on various small projects besides that. My pet project of late is my email newsletter, which I'd love it if you checked out: https://aescult.substack.com/ Thanks for having me!
>119 murteza @ 2020/12/15 16:04
Hello everyone, it is Murteza (and yes, this is my real name) I am a CS student (for 5 years and counting). I am currently interested in self-hosting and digital minimalism to regain my privacy. I've been voluntaring as an assitant teacher at an elementary school lately to see if I like being a teacher better. Even though I am here and I like this community very much, I am not very active here or on IRC. Fediverse: @murtezayesil@fosstodon.org Blog: https://murtezayesil.me (hosted on ~team server)
>120 konomo @ 2020/12/19 23:49
Hello there, I'm ~konomo I have been active on here for about a month and decided to make an introduction now. I'm a student and have been hooked on the idea of terminal-based systems since I discovered Telehack in 2015 or so. But only recently I discovered the tildeverse. I am having much fun here since I joined :)
>121 ramin @ 2020/12/29 15:42
I joined here a few months ago but haven't been very active here. I am more active on tilde.town. But I'd like to spend some time on this server as well. I am a professional software engineer. I love functional programming, especially the Haskell programming language. I can be a bit annoying with my Emacs evangelism. The main reason I am here is just that I am trying to get to know more people around the world over the Internet without using more mainstream web apps like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or whatever. I have never had a Facebook or Twitter account, and although I pretty regularly use Reddit, I am getting tired of it. I hope Tildes will be more fun. Hope to see you all around!
>122 litaviccos @ 2020/12/31 22:59
Hello, I'm ~litaviccos. I discovered the tildeverse with tilde.town first, then I came here. I find terminals awesome, I am one of those who believe that the Internet should return to a text-centered approach. I'm from France, I like food, video games, extreme music and combat sports. I'm also very interested in linux philosophy and cyber security issues. Send me a mail or let's chat on IRC if you want to talk !
>123 rebello @ 2021/01/10 21:06
Greetings all, I'm rebello (real name Joe Harley) I'm currently unemployed (student), I have been working with retro computers for quite a while. Living in Northampton, UK. Thanks to the sysops for running this. So much fun!
>124 voytek @ 2021/01/15 08:56
>>123 Ah to be a young student again... I go by ~voytek. Joined the tildeverse today and am exploring. I work as a statistical programmer and biostatistician, and it looks like my insomnia hobby for the forseeable future is checking the smol web. I'm investigating these *nix nodes in particular because it's my dream to set up a local version (i.e. running on a web-inaccessible wifi meshnet). That dream also includes having people *use* it though...
>125 mcornick @ 2021/01/18 18:25
>>OP Hi, I'm Mark. I am boring and use my real first initial and last name as my login. I first discovered UNIX in college in the early 90s (yes, that makes me old.) I've been using it, in some form, for work and play ever since. At one point or another, I've used SunOS 4, Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX, OSF/1, several distributions of Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and macOS. It's always felt like home (or $HOME?) and as such, I was excited to learn about the tildeverse, and joined a few weeks ago. My biggest contribution to tildeverse so far is my weekly show on tilderadio, Moose Hour (Tuesdays at 0000 UTC.) It takes me back to when I was a DJ on my college's radio station, and I play a lot of the same tunes. If that interests you, tune in! Outside the 'verse, I work as a sysadmin/devops/SRE/whatever it's called these days. Were it not for the pandemic, you might find me around my hometown of Washington, DC, watching soccer, or just hanging with my dog. As it is, hanging with my dog is the big activity right now. I have a website. It is at /~mcornick/ on several of the tildes. There are also gopher and gemini versions about. If you still can't find me, try https://mcornick.com/. Thanks, and see you around!
>126 voytek @ 2021/01/18 23:24
>>125 Hey Mark, Nice to see you. It was your blog over at rw.rs/~mcornick ("Unix - the operating system that refused to die") that first piqued my interest in the tildeverse. I tried to drop you a line over there, but it doesn't look like rw.rs has an internal bulletin board (or even mail!) Looks like you're on in 35 min; looking forward to the show. ~Voytek
>127 performa @ 2021/01/19 12:55
Hello everyone, I'm ~performa (or Sara, if you'd rather), and this is my first account on the tildeverse. I have been on pubnixes before (I am flyaway on SDF) and I am overall interested in older technology. I'm from central Indiana, but know nothing about racing. I was born in December 1997, so old enough to be discussed on Usenet as a baby (and my parents did do such), but too young to actually have used it. For years, I have been fascinated by older non-web protocols such as gopher, but haven't been able to easily get into them. I heard about the tildeverse at some point in 2020, but didn't consider trying to join until now. I'm glad to be here now, however. :)'
>128 lab6 @ 2021/01/19 22:48
>>OP Hi, I used to be a software engineer, but am now a manager of software engineers at a megacorporation, which means I don't get to do any coding any more. So, to scratch my geek itch, I explore niche technologies and communities, and am particularly fond of alternative publishing channels, slow culture, digital sustainability, and the absence of commercial interests. I tried signing up for tilde.club many years ago but I think signups must have been closed at the time. I have recently rediscovered it as part of experimenting with Gemini. I love helping people solve problems but I hate giving unsolicited advice, so reach out with your thorny issues and see if I can help!
>129 karx @ 2021/02/05 18:42
>>128 Hey guys, I'm ~karx, but you can call me Yash. I'm a tech enthusiast and a programmer., and this is my first account on the tildeverse. I'm best reachable at my tilde.team email and via IRC, although email is usually where I'll check first. Nice to meet you guys !
>130 hrnekbezucha @ 2021/02/06 15:28
howdy, i'm ~hrnekbezucha, or just "hrnek" for short. don't you love what you can discover following a rabit hole? my journey started learning about this thing called gemini. then somebody mentioned pubnix, tilde communities, the article about the first tilde and i knew i had to get involved. i just had to. it's too awesome not to. so here i am - on a tilde with gemini. so what's my deal? well, i'm not a coder but i'm a brewer. hobbyist. so imma be yer guide in making yer own hooch. if you're interested. it's super easy and good and legal. issues can come up with ludicrously large volumes and distilling. but we're not doing that. my main focus is gemini but hopefully i'll figure out a way to generate html using some template, idk, code hurts my brain. gemini://tilde.team/~hrnekbezucha is just starting to take shape but it'll be there in not-too distant future. thanks to ~ben and all the admins for having me. i promise i'll wash the dishes every now and then.
>131 anonymous @ 2021/02/13 08:11
>>130 What gem client are you using? I'm still using the html proxies. There's probably a text-based linux client out there, but I couldn't find one within about 10 minutes of starting to look so I gave up. What do you like to brew? I did a Mead last month and.....well it tastes like Chardonnay because that's the kind of yeast I used, I guess? Not sure what to do about it...maybe freeze distill to up the abv, and re-sweeten with some more raw honey? Open to ideas... I don't really like the stuff as it is; and it's been sitting for quite a while.
>132 hrnekbezucha @ 2021/02/13 14:28
>>131 i'm mostly using amfora but i want to give av-98 a shot. because av-98 should have more thorough certificate support. gemini has a huge potential when people learn to use the self-signed certificates. my html website auto-redirects to a gemini proxy for time being. later on i want to scrounge-up a script for html generaiton. the most success i had with a mixture of blackcurrant and apple. that's absolutely divine. even with baking yeast. but even a straight-up apple juice is very nice. i never dealt with honey yet, always found it prohibitively expensive. i like to experiment and mess things up every now and then. you can definitely backsweeten it a bit to soften the roughness. freeze distilling is not a fix. it concentrates the taste. if you have a nice hooch and freeze-distill it ("jack it") you'll have much stronger and nicer tasting hooch. if it tastes a bit rough and you jack it, it'll get stronger but also taste much worse. if it smells/tastes yeasty, there's nothing you can do. except propper distillation. good luck!
>133 jeroanan @ 2021/02/13 19:51
Hi there -- I'm Jeroanan. I am a software developer from the UK. I love Linux, the terminal and programming, particularly in Racket, but I like to play with anything I can. I also found my way here via Gemini -- I started browsing, writing and learning more, and then my YouTube suggestions came up with "What is the Tildeverse?" and here I am. It seems like the kind of old-school text-based community I have been looking for for many years. Looking forward to getting involved :).
>134 upatree @ 2021/02/28 23:05
Hi all, name is upatree. I found gemini a couple weeks ago and fascination with the non-commercial web has quickly spiralled out of control since then. :) I've done a little coding (primarily js) & linux experimentation, and I'm becoming more concerned about privacy and control. I think tilde.team is just the community I've been looking for.
>135 Esso98 @ 2021/03/09 16:09
Hello there folks! I call myself seek. And I am from Sri Lanka. Yeah that small island just below Indian peninsula. I still don't work, I am a student. These days I am following some Udemy courses and read books. I am not sure if what I am good at, but I love exploring communities like this. And you guys can catch me on feverse. seek@koyu.space or seek@qoto.org I prefer to write emails too. I have few penpals from different countries. So if you wanna write to me, please go ahead. My email : seeek@tutanota.com That's it I guess.
>136 Esso98 @ 2021/03/09 16:11
>>135 BTW I just found out I used Esso98 as the username by *mistake* Esso98 is the username of the character I write about on cosmic.voyage! * facepalm *
>137 liamvhogan @ 2021/03/23 00:10
G'day all I'm Liam, I work in cultural heritage, and obviously like old things that retain significance in the present. Also, old cameras, repairing them, and taking pictures with them.
>138 hammie @ 2021/03/23 19:26
Hi, everyone! I'm very much a beginner in the world of pubnixes and am just having fun exploring, learning and playing. I don't come from a tech or computer science background but I did once make a hot air balloon float across the screen on my brother's C64 in BASIC when I was a kid. I like hamsters, guinea pigs, food, small things.
>139 wy @ 2021/03/30 14:15
Hello, my name is wy (pronounced "why" or "we") and I'm not new to pubnixes, but I'm new to being persistent haha... I joined other tildes as "kiiwii" or "kiiwiiwastaken" but I think I'll stay on here as wy, hopefully for years ^^ I like video games, music, programming and archiving data! I'm thinking of documenting some things about the game I've played the most, Animal Crossing: New Horizons! There's some things that aren't documented that I'm thinking would be nice to have as some real data.
>140 jmmartin @ 2021/04/02 09:51
Hi! I'm jmmartin, you can call me jm or whatever you like. Just recently discover the tildeverse, and that pubnixes were still alive, mainly through videos related to the Gemini Project. I thought both things are cool, so I'm trying to dive into them. I got bit nosalgic remembering simpler times (on the net). I'm currently a web developer (maybe that's why I like Gopher and Gemini). In the past I've been working in other positions, as tech support, sysadmin... My hobbies, or passions, include music (listening, playing and composing), reading (random choice of topics) and videogames (specially MMORPGs, but not so active lately). Nice to meet you all!
>141 erin @ 2021/04/02 22:32
>>OP Hi, I'm Erin! I'm rather new to pubnixes and stuff. I just joined the cosmic.voyage one today, and I've been in one that a friend setup for a bit now. I joined this instance because it has a very neat concept, and I suck at most programming stuff :3 I'm interested in everything technology, and have experience with Python, C/C++, GDscript, and Rust (which has been my new favourite). It's been cool exploring these (fairly old) technologies, especially since I didn't grow up with them.
>142 generic @ 2021/04/20 01:55
Hello! I'm generic. I'm from Maryland. I've been a Linux user for a long time. I knew that timeshare themed systems used to be a thing, but only recently learned the term pubnix, and moreso that they're still around and have vibrant communities. Like ~erin I'm also too young to have used BBS's or other pubnix type systems when they were in their prime, and I think it's awesome!
>143 ffuentes @ 2021/04/21 16:37
Hi, It's ~ffuentes here from texto-plano.xyz (a tilde in Spanish). I'm from Chile. I've been chatting on tilde.chat and posting on nntp before so you probably know me. Also I've been around tilde.pink and breadpunk.club and I share the values of UNIX as a social network and of using the internet the way it used to be without so many commercial intermediates. Cheers
>144 peron @ 2021/04/25 17:48
>>143 Yo ffuentes! Greetings to Chile!
>145 anonymous @ 2021/05/07 14:50
Hello, I go by the name Katsuragi on the internet. I love old tech, the 80s, 90s and anything that has a button on it. I'm an avid Linux user and I love to program on it everyday. I'm in my early 20s so that might surprise you a little.. A guy like me would naturally be on Instagram or TikTok or partying but I'm not like them "fortunately". Happy to be here =)
>146 ffuentes @ 2021/05/21 04:44
>>145 Since no one else said it... Welcome ~katsuragi!
>147 ~bendo @ 2021/05/24 18:47
Hello, i'm ~bendo. I'm young(ish) french developper who studied game design but sadly graduated in the middle of corona crisis. So know i work for 3D Movie industry wich is kind of still nice i suppose ? I'm quite new to all of this and stumbled upon pubnix a few days ago so i'm still discovering. See you later :)
>148 vort3 @ 2021/06/03 08:31
Hello guys, I'm known as vort3 and I'm not a developer, and I don't work at IT. It's my little hobby, I love everything related to UNIX, learn python, try to use FOSS, and love keyboard oriented workflows, so I'm trying to be good at terminal. I'm glad I found this community, and even though I'm busy lately, I'll try to be an active part of the community when I have free time :-) I live in CIS and my primary language is Russian, you can PM me in IRC if you need help learning Russian :-)
>149 micklemeal @ 2021/06/08 16:26
Howdy folks. I'm a software engineer and musician living in Baltimore, MD USA. A couple of weeks of exploring alternate social media and web communities lead me to tilde.club and it looks pretty sweet. :-) I'm a little to young to have experienced something like this in my time, but it looks like a fun way to interact. Love programming, currently working on a browser for gemini space for funsies. Tttyl <3
>150 Thimras @ 2021/06/15 05:33
>>6 I misread "Windows on a 486" and thought holy crap, that's tough. Glad you don't have to put up with that :D
>151 Thimras @ 2021/06/15 06:23
Hi everyone, I'm Thimras :) I'm a data scientist from Melbourne and I was looking into new and different ways of making friends online. Someone recommended the tildeverse, so here I am :) I also enjoy music and writing, and I'm a pretty good GM if you want to play a round of DnD, Anima or Coriolis. I don't think I've written on a bbs since high school in the 90s... :D Let's see where this is going!
>152 tiny @ 2021/06/19 06:21
Hi, i am tiny here writing on a tiny raspberry pi zero. I am a microbiology graduates but i work in finance sectors. I got my first computer at the age of 19, yeah, pretty old i know.. and start to learn linux when my windows machine failed me 5 years ago. Instead of my 'normal' laptop/desktop, i like to use my Orange Pi PC as my everyday pc. I especially like to push my raspberry pi zero to its limit. Keep on learning guys! And stay safe / healthy. Cheers
>153 anonymous @ 2021/07/03 10:37
>>OP Hello! This is one from tilde.one One is not a person, because people can be stupid. One is more than just a person, One is a symbol. Anyone can be one.
>154 petar @ 2021/07/26 14:24
Hi, I'm Petar I study informatics I accidentaly stumbled upon tilde.club so I decided to join it, it seems like a comfy place. The tildeverse also seems like a small comfy community Cheers :-)
>155 grawlix @ 2021/08/18 05:08
grawlix here, I've just been a Unix person since the 80s. Currently trying to switch careers into library and information science. Finishing up with MLIS degree this fall (hopefully). This looks like a good place to spend some time. Looking forward to more.
>156 pallas @ 2021/09/24 17:54
>>Nice to meet u! eager to know how to use curl and python to solve geocache puzzles ;)
>157 pallas @ 2021/09/24 18:42
Hi folks, I'm pallas. I knew nothing about *nix until last year. Back then I was translating a book and stuck miserably. I decided it was my toolchain to blame and became obsessed with text-editors, which led me to emacs and gnu stuff. Then the rabbit hole gone wild, I went all the way through FOSS, gopher, gemini, tildeverse, retrotech, and the like. Never thought I would be here, and super glad that I am now. Looking forward to see y'all around!
>158 digilink @ 2021/09/27 12:34
Hello all... I am ~digilink. I found out tilde.team from a lobste.rs comment someone made and didn't even know such a place like this existed. I've been using linux and other forms of *nix personally and professionally for 25 years now. Like most enthusiasts, I maintain my own personal fleet of servers (bare metal and VM's) doing various things. I am currently in year three of pursuing a Computer Science degree, programming has never really been my strong side, I'm more of a sysadmin kinda guy I suppose. I have spent the last 20+ years in the telecommunications space. Glad to be here and part of the community! One of the things I enjoy most in any community is collaboration and helping folks when I can, and hope to contribute in a positive manner.
>159 mwt @ 2021/10/02 07:55
>>158 and now I found out about lobse.rs from a tilde.team comment and the cycle is complete!
>160 mwt @ 2021/10/02 08:03
Hi, I'm an Economics graduate student who studies contests, elections, labor, and choices. It turns out computers are really helpful for this. I got into technology before that by making websites for my family buisiness.
>161 ~aprilnightk @ 2021/10/13 12:38
Somehow I missed an opportunity to introduce myself on this awesome forum! Hi all, I'm aprilnightk, or Keith Aprilnight. I think it would be fair of me to say that I (try to) exercise pseudonimity on the net, so it's not my real name. Who knows, maybe I'm a cat! Other than that, I strive to be a nice and participating member of the Tildeverse. This tilde is already immersely useful for me, as I host my Gemini page here and also use a couple of other services it provides. I hope I will be able to contribute too. I'm already working on a couple of Gemini-related small projects, maybe (so I hope) they will eventually be ripe enough to be public. I try to maintain my home folder in an orderly manner, equipped with readme's and explanations of what's where, and I try to correctly manage the file permissions. Please let me know if you find something that's private but should probably be public, or vice versa. Thanks and have a good day!
>162 steve @ 2021/10/15 06:56
Hi all, I'm a physicist turned evil. Usually you'll find me living inside emacs, but sometimes I go out. I started learning about gemini and that's how I got here. Looking forward to having interesting discussions and learning.
>163 satchlj @ 2021/10/15 17:18
Hi I'm Satya Johnson, my real life friends call me Satch (rhymes with watch, not patch, don't get it wrong please), I'm satchlj on the internet my pw is https://satchlj.com I've been part of the tildeverse since July 2021 I lurk on IRC almost all day almost every day without saying much If you want to know more about me you'll have to use the evil http web ;) and go to my site
>164 rocked_socks @ 2021/11/23 15:10
>>OP ~rockedsocks Hey yall! I'rm rocked_socks, and I really like screwing with computers. Running Ubuntu after screwing up my OS 5 times. Really came here for the community, as I enjoyed sdf.org, and wanted something similar. A beginner programmer with some experience, but an expert googler.
>165 SnowCode @ 2021/12/10 16:52
I am SnowCode, I live in Belgium. I love free software and simple stuff and I think I really love this.
>166 blakesmith @ 2021/12/13 18:54
Hello there! I am Blake. Is this board dead?
>167 ogmios @ 2021/12/16 02:41
>>166 Not dead at all!
>168 miccaman @ 2022/01/03 20:20
Hi yeah nano or what :-) I am miccaman, and just discovered this BBJ board after being on tilde.club for almost two years. I like it when things go slow. Greetings from Belgium Micca Man
>169 miccaman @ 2022/01/03 20:21
>>165 Greetings from Belgium as well :-)
>170 anthk @ 2022/01/17 21:20
I'm anthk, I'm been a Linux/Unix user since Debian Woody user, now Slackware and OpenBSD. I come from the Basque Country, Spain, and I think I've been at SDF and a few tildes, but now I am at texto-plano.xyz because of convenience, as I always can collaborate in Spanish first because of lazyness and then everything gets spread out faster in English in the larger Tildeverse. Also, first I remember lurking out some SDF shots on old machines, terminals and of course the Gopher holes, so helping and having fun here was like natural to me. I plan to donate to SDF because even if the Tildeverse it's almost non-commercial, SDF set the ground "first" publicly for the common folk, and most people traverse tildes/SDF in a friendly manner anyway. Hope I can do my best 'here.
>171 nexeq @ 2022/01/20 10:00
hi! my web name is (~)nexeq. i'm young enthusiast in open source and systems' administrating. nice to meet u everyone
>172 hifikuno @ 2022/02/02 12:29
Hi, I'm hifikuno! I've been using linux on and off since about 2011 (I think) when I would use it to host Minecraft servers. Professionaly I am a data engineer, but I've only been in the job a year so I still have plenty to learn. I came to the Tildeverse to find a new community I could share similar interest with, and try move away from alternatives like Facebook, or Reddit. I look forward to my time here! -Hifi
>173 kerobaros @ 2022/02/08 20:23
hello fam, i'm just some guy. here's a hot take: modern internet bad. thus, modern society bad. also: modern society bad. thus, modern internet bad. what an ouroboros! (no relation.) i'm here for your old internets, let's enjoy them together.
>174 demolitionman @ 2022/02/28 12:19
Hi! I'm ~demolitionman an electrical engineer, a UNIX/Linux user and a programmer. I hope to meet people like me who share these two passions.
>175 perrypal @ 2022/03/09 17:03
Hello! I am PerryPal. Not a university student yet at the time of the post, but I have messed around with Linux and web-app development for a couple years now. My interest with Linux as a whole sparked in 2017 while thinking of ways to run virtual machines on my android phone. Very weird, but the idea perplexed me. I learnt most of what I know from virtual machines but once I found about the tildeverse, everything changed. For me, it was the idea of a social community driven through primarily SSH and CLI tools that was just amazing. And since then I have lurked around tilde.chat. Now my endeavour has started of trying to mess around with CLI substitutes of my existing workflows and see how it goes. I always have an ssh session of tilde.team open :)
>176 gritty @ 2022/03/10 14:07
Hello everyone, my name is ~gritty. I found the tildeverse almost by accident. Let me tell that quick story - I somehow found a link to privacytools.io on a StackOverflow email and went down the rabbit hole of online privacy. I think found out Mastodon existed and was on that for a bit. One user posted about Lemmy, a non-corporately-owned version of Reddit, so I joined that, and THEN from there I discovered the Gemini protocol and of course on Gemini there are a lot of tilde pages and became interested. Long winded story, but I find it interesting that I'm here now because of a random link I clicked on in an email from SO. At any rate, I've been using Linux since the 90s - started off with Slackware but then I dropped off for a while because real life started happening and I didn't really have the time. My jobs didn't end up being software focused (or not at the least Linux), and I lost touch with it. I would dabble, but nothing really interested me. I'm hoping now that I'm here that I can resharpen my skills (and actually learn Vim in earnest), when I can find the time to log on. Maybe I'll see more of ya'll around here. ~Gritty
>177 duck @ 2022/03/21 21:50
hi everyone, I'm ~duck! I saw some friends using various public access unix systems and wanted to see what it all was about, so I had a look around and found the tildeverse. a bit about me: I am based in the uk and I am a maths student (starting uni in september). I like tinkering with things (who'd have guessed :P). outside of STEM, I love languages, baking, and the outdoors. I've been using linux in some form or another for as long as I've been using computers altogether, and I really enjoy interacting with the CLI and TUI apps.
>178 anonymous @ 2022/04/23 22:12
Hi! I'm a programmer in Bay Area.
>179 brib @ 2022/05/07 15:23
Hi! I'm ~brib, a software developer from the UK who wants to write stuff on the Internet but also hates social media. If you're on ctrl-c.club you might see me hanging around there too, sometimes I post on iris. I quite like the chill nature of a lot of these indie sites, as well as not having to contend with technology that wants me to keep scrolling through stuff that isn't good for my mental health. Outside of work and tweaking my Linux box I practice Kendo, a martial art centred around swordsmanship.
>180 danignat @ 2022/05/11 07:37
Hello everybody! I'm Dan, from Romania. I find about tilde team while I was playing with Gopherus on an old DOS machine :) I got shell access in only a couple of days, so right now I'm discovering all the stuff around here. I'm not a specialist, but I know a little about new and old OS-es, networking and programming. I'm old, but I like playing on my consoles and watching anime :) I also like scuba diving but, unfortunatelly, I live 600 km from the nearest sea, so I could go only one or two times a year. Well, that's it for now. Please excuse my English...
>181 schwartz @ 2022/05/16 22:06
Hi! I'd love to introduce myself. My name is schwartz and I'm a developer from MA. I mainly work in JS/TS at work, but I like linux a lot. I have a little server of my own at https://massh.tech/~schwartz, and while I love tending the garden, it's a lonely place. I joined tilde.club to introduce a social / collaborative aspect to my work with Linux. I've been putting this off forever and I'm so happy to finally be here.
>182 mysliceoftheweb @ 2022/05/19 20:19
Hello this is mysliceoftheweb. I live in TX and I love all things linux and emacs. :) I am currently studying for my RHCSA. I also love to garden.
>183 barlow @ 2022/06/22 17:52
Hello! I'm Barlow. I'm a system administrator from Hungary. I'm mostly interested in peer-to-peer / distributed / decentralized systems. I've got my account on tilde.club a few hours ago. It looks like a nice place. It's definitely more interesting than the "fediverse"! I've been browsing the gopherspace/geminispace in the last few weeks, and there's a lot of interesting people on tildes. Being here is just feels right.
>184 terry @ 2022/06/22 18:26
Hey everyone! I'm terry and I'm a software engineer from Wisconsin, USA. I'm pretty consistently working on music and random dev projects during my downtime, but I've also got 3 kids, which keep me plenty busy. I'm a big fan of music, movies, and exploring technology (which is how I ended up here). I recently built a beastly gaming pc to have some team fun with friends as well. I'd love to chat with anyone and everyone, I'm here to be social. I'm going to make an earnest attempt at being active on irc, so feel free to msg me there! Also, very interested in gemini and gopher and might try to carve out some time to populate my public_html...
>185 marval @ 2022/06/29 20:04
Heya everyone! I am Marval, a guy from Italy. I studied Math and Logic, and while I'm not in academia anymore I am still very much interested in the more theoretical part of CS, mostly formal languages and type theory. However I've always been into the more practical part of informatics, mostly programming (I still suck at it even after many years). In the last few months I discovered this smol internet (Gopher, Gemini, Tildes, ...) and a couple of days ago I finally decided to ask for an account here. I am mostly a lurker, but I decided to try an keep a semiregular blog, thanks to how comfy bb is to use (nothing interesting for now, it's mostly rants). I'm here to learn, and for now it seems I am in the right place :)
>186 blu256 @ 2022/06/30 10:24
Hello, I'm blu.256. I currently am a student of cultural studies and mass media. My interests include computers, music, webcomics, (science) fiction and many other things. You might have previously seen me on Gemini or Mastodon. I like to discover new stuff, so I thought I'd give tildes a try. I've never used a pubnix system before, so it's an exciting new experience for me. I do have Linux experience, so I'm more after the social aspect of sharing a *nix system with others ;-) I do program, but it's more of a hobby for me. I taught myself programming and do it when I need a tool for some task, or sometimes for fun. Or both. :-)
>187 eggy @ 2022/08/02 14:45
Hii I am Eggy, I don't remember how I found out about tilde club to be honest, but the tab had been open on my browser for so long, I finally joined! I really like social, and political theory, and I love exploring the internet for smaller communities and learning as much as I can, both about the internet and just anything and everything really! I do not know much about the command line, or web design but I would love to learn more and more!
>188 eggy @ 2022/08/02 14:47
>>187 OH, I am from Michigan :)
>189 pyrogaming @ 2022/08/10 10:38
i'm, as you may infer from my username, ~pyrogaming. i am also known as covid2009 or nought to three sad onions. i joined tilde.club simply because i wanted to make making a website easier, without all the "being required to use the host's html editor" and all that jazz. *cough* neocities *cough*. i like making stuff related to the old internet. html, ftp, that one water background everyone seemed to use. i also like video games (payday 2, garry's mod, runescape and many others). i usually sit on the tilde.club ftp server and youtube at the same time. my monthly bandwidth must be in the gigabytes by now. message me on email if you don't want me to respond.
>190 pyrogaming @ 2022/08/10 10:39
>>189 oh btw i'm from bulgaria if anyone wants to know
>191 savoy @ 2022/09/06 21:46
Hello everyone, I'm savoy! I've heard a lot about the tildeverse and this community centered around public unix systems and thought this might be something I'd want to be a part of. I'm not professionally in a tech field, but have been big on *nix and FOSS for ages now. As a result, all of my programming and messing about is a hobby. Been doing stuff in Python for a number of years, and slowly starting practice with Rust as it really grabbed me. I pretty much live in CLI for anything outside of a browser and occasionally Element for chatting on Matrix (gomuks is still fairly early on in development). I'm excited to be here and hope to get to know a lot of you!
>192 ken @ 2022/09/07 15:31
>192 ~ken Hello everyone, I'm ken! I've just found this community centered around unix and thought this might be something I'd want to be part of. I mainly spend my time reading and tinkering with open-source software. Although i havent done programming in an professional environment (Still at school), I do stuff in Go and C (mainly to learn sys prog). Feel free to reach me out anytime.
>193 faefeyfa @ 2022/09/11 16:10
Hey everyone! I'm ~faefeyfa! I've been a desktop linux user for a few years but I'm just now getting into some of the more servery stuff. I'm (somewhat, I'm still a student) familiar with C++, but my favorite language is probably Haskell. Outside of those two, I'm quite interested in mathematics (and also fluent-ish in LaTeX) -- in particular, combinatorics and number theory. (I'm trying to work through Quadratic Reciprocity at the moment... it's not gone well.) I'm pretty excited about this whole thing!
>194 tash @ 2022/09/22 04:47
Hi, I'm ~tash. I'm a hobbyist programmer, avid Linux user, and cybersecurity student. I primarily program in Python, C/C++, and occasionally JS whenever I have to deal with web stuff. A+ and Linux+ certified, currently pursuing Network+ and Security+. I joined tilde.team because I wanted to have a community of other *nix users that I could be a part of and hopefully contribute too, and because I've always been curious about multi-user systems but haven't had the chance to play around with one. I look forward to interacting with all of you!
>195 zane @ 2022/10/10 20:46
Hey All! I'm Zane (Schaffer) - I used to be a musician as a career but left that to persue computers and embedded engineering and software and wires and fun stuff! You can find my old music on spotify/apple/youtube what have you under my full name. I love messing around with configurations and plaintext websites - If you want to talk about anything from modular synthesis to Delia Derbyshire to plaintext stuff - mail me or hit me on IRC!!!
>196 preger @ 2023/01/23 18:08
Hi everyone - first reply to the thread in 2023! Super psyched to have found a community of *nix lovers and text-based web nerds. Hope to learn from ya'll. My background? Go way back early days of the net... pre-web!>>OP
>197 srp @ 2023/02/06 02:57
Howdy! I'm ~srp, but you can call me Seraphim. I, too, happen to be a software engineer from Michigan, doing pharmacy fulfillment automation work. I grew up on IRC with the UnixHub/Nixers guys (if that name rings a bell to anyone) and first discovered the tildeverse when word of tilde.town spread around January 2016. A decent portion of us there had joined, but that's largely lost with the wind now. I decided to rejoin the tildeverse when looking for Mastodon instances to call home and joined tilde.club. I window shopped for a sec then made the application to join the team. Thank you for having me!
>198 ahmet @ 2023/02/06 20:14
Hey folks! I'm ~ahmet. I am currently a student in Turkey, with a passion in computers since childhood. I am currently contributing in various open-source projects. I first discovered the tildeverse while looking at someone's host mask in OFTC, and decided to join.
>199 conorh @ 2023/02/17 21:17
Howdy! I'm ~conorh, or just Conor. I'm a software person in California. I decided to join the tildeverse as part of an effort to find some more focused communities out there on the net. I'm happy to be here, and hope to meet more fine folks! As far as software creation goes I write mainly in C, C++, ObjC, and Python but I'm often interested in picking up something new. I have some thoughts about projects using Guile… Anyway, feel free to say hi on IRC or mail!
>200 manul @ 2023/03/02 16:39
Hi there! I'm ~manul (as in Pallas Cat). I'm on a bit of a community-expanding kick at the moment, both online and off, so I thought I'd check out the tildeverse. I was never much of a twitter user, so don't really get the appeal of mastodon personally, but I think this is more my speed. Like a lot of you, I'm a computer person (roughly full stack web dev for work). I live in Vancouver, Canada. Things I'm into: - running, slowly - electronic music, and specifically trying to get better at modular synths (hey there ~zane!) - other attempts at music - I haul out a clarinet sometimes, and I've built a hurdy-gurdy from the Nerdy Gurdy kit - starting personal programming projects but getting tired of them because I code all day at work - I guess... tinkering? Example: modding a rotary phone so that I can play a tune from the headset and use it as a light switch - Typical Vancouver stuff: hiking, snowboarding, going to brunch, developing seasonal depression and feeling lonely. IYKYK Looking forward to meeting some of you folks. Am I right that bbj is the most active communication platform in this community? Usenet looked pretty dead. Presumably IRC has quieter and busier times.
>201 maisel @ 2023/03/20 19:15
hi! i'm ~maisel! my pronouns are they/them, e/em, xe/xem, and he/him. i'm a college student studying television production, and i love making techology do weird things. this is a new experience for me and i'm excited to be here! :D - i'm a writer, producer, and editor by trade - i do a lot of graphic design stuff on the side - i once managed to completely wrap my hand in an XLR cable. my instructor told me it's the worst anyone's ever done it i don't have a ton of code experience, but i'm hoping this will help me learn!
>202 ultrachip @ 2023/04/07 00:29
Hi everyone, I'm UltraChip. Professionally I'm a Linux "sysadmin" (that's my job title at least - in practice I'm something closer to an OS-focused pseudo-developer). In my private life I'm a Linux nerd and amateur Python programmer. I also have an interest in sailing, hiking, and anything exploration focused (especially on the water). For a long time I've had misgivings about how the contemporary web has evolved, ESPECIALLY social media. I won't rehash specifics here because I feel like I'd probably be preaching to the choir. But because of these feelings I've been fascinated with classic 90's-era BBS' and other "old net" tech for a long time. Then the other day I'm lurking on Reddit and someone mentions words like "Gemini Protocol" and "Fediverse", and that sent me down a rabbit hole and now I'm here and curious. So... yeah. I'm not new to Linux but I am very new to the whole "smol web" paradigm. I'm excited to learn and interact with other like-minded people!
>203 tftio @ 2023/04/13 18:19
Hello, all. I'm ~tftio, and I'm officially a greybeard. I'm here because I'm nostalgic for online interaction that is more like what we've lost and less like where we're going. I started doing *waves hands* all this full time for a living in 1992 and while I wouldn't want back a lot of the insularity and toxicity of Usenet, I would love to have a social technology that would allow for the creation and curation of small intentional online communities. I'm no romantic but I am clearly a pre-lapsarian, if that makes sense. 't
>204 ultrachip @ 2023/04/13 23:24
>>203 Nice to meet you! I'm jealous you got to experience this stuff in its heyday.
>205 tftio @ 2023/04/14 17:53
>>204 I fell into it, honestly. I had a PCjr and then a Mac 512 at home, and did a summer camp at CMU in 1988, where I used Andrew. Got to university in 1990 and got a job programming Unix systems software, and one thing lead to another and I was in a position to see very early versions of the web, which -- displaying my infallible nose for picking losers -- I disparaged in favour of gopher. Sigh.
>206 ultrachip @ 2023/04/14 22:28
>>205 I guess you could say I fell in to it too, albeit a bit later than you (for reference, while you were at camp I was busy being born). I'm sure you probably already know of it but in case you don't: what started me down this rabbit hole in the first place was a protocol called "Gemini" - it's a lot like gopher, except with TLS support and a few other common-sense features. FWIW I don't think HTTP(S) is bad in and of itself. Could use some improvements, surely, but all in all my issues don't lie in the protocol. I'm more so disappointed with corpos taking it over and bastardizing it.
>207 jazei @ 2023/04/18 19:53
Newby: I am ~jazei, I use Linux an Win, learning, I started in another tilde but I was banned for reclaims about delay, so I am staring quiet!, like html, vim, gopher and gemini protocols. and fotography. Regards! PS: I am not programmer, or informatic at all. Just a symple user using tools.>>OP
>208 ultrachip @ 2023/04/18 23:56
>>207 Hi, and welcome to the group! What sort of things do you photograph?
>209 tftio @ 2023/04/19 01:56
>>206 Definitely agree about HTTP. I like Gemini, and it seems like at least an attempt to get back to something lost. I am so interested in the ways in which technology affordances feedback through humans to produce complex, unplanned systems. I do think that the interesting thing about Gemini is not the technology but rather the intentional turning away from modern conceptions of community building; the extreme contortions using it requires selects for people with an affinity for particular forms of association. Anyway. Enjoying it here so far!
>210 jazei @ 2023/04/19 09:09
foto about plants, flowers and moon. >>208
>211 jazei @ 2023/04/19 09:17
I like gemini I will put( import)from my old user in another tilde . ~jazei jazei@tilde.team 19/04 06:12hs.>>209
>212 ultrachip @ 2023/04/19 22:38
>>209 I like the idea behind Gemini, although there are some things I would change about it. Glad you're enjoying the place! I haven't been here very long but I've been liking it so far as well.
>213 mathpunk @ 2023/05/19 15:40
Hi all! My name's ~mathpunk! I study math, and I like to think I'm okay at it. I play jazz trombone, and I make noises some people classify as "music" sometimes. My interests include music, DIY-everything, meditation, powerlifting, hiking, and the outdoors in general. I used to write, both fiction and poetry, and I'll probably try my hand at getting back into that at some point in the future. I'm here to push myself out of my comfort zone in a couple different ways. For one, I want to become more comfortable with living in the terminal. For two, I'm quite shy, so I'm hoping to push myself to make friends and socialize. I'm actually quite proud of myself for making this introduction post, as well as having said hi in the #team IRC channel! I'm also learning to code, mostly in python at the moment, but I'm not particularly committed to any specific languages just yet. Most of my learning is self-directed, and I learn because it's just fun to learn things. I'm particularly fascinated by computers on a low level, and I hope to study computer engineering next year. I used to play a lot of video games, particularly Factorio, Zachtronics games, and 4X, but I haven't had a lot of time for games in recent months.
>214 sloan @ 2023/05/25 19:00
Hi! My name is ~sloan :) I've been a FOSS+Linux enthusiast since I was a kid, and I'm super excited to be here! Professionally, I'm a glorified helpdesk for a small business, but my true passions are linux tinkering, writing, philosophy(kinda), and most recently blogging. There's not much on it right now, but you can find my blog over on https://ephemerally.online (I think it's pretty neat) I also play some video games! I'm a long-time lover of rhythm games, recently gotten back into Mania-style stuff, but I also play some League and a handful of other games. Further contact info is up on my website, but I should be on IRC often and I'm always open to random DMs about whatever. I'm looking forward to learning a little more HTML, and getting into some of the neat stuff here on the tilde :) <3
>215 ultrachip @ 2023/05/26 13:32
>>213 Welcome to ~club! I like to pretend I know Python, feel free to reach out if you ever want to talk coding. Have you ever played Satisfactory by chance? It's like first-person Factorio.
>216 ultrachip @ 2023/05/26 13:35
>>214 Welcome to ~club! If you like blogging have you looked in to setting up a gemlog?
>217 sloan @ 2023/05/26 20:17
>>216 Oh interesting, no I have not looked into that. I've been doing a little reading on the whole gemini thing though, and I'm definitely very interested. Any recommended approach for getting started there? As for blogging in general, I do love all of the options for that kind of thing here, but I would like to keep my main web blog. I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts on a nice way to push out posts simultaneously, but it's also something I may just work on implementing myself.
>218 ultrachip @ 2023/05/30 11:26
>>217 Automatically posting to multiple sites across multiple protocols is definitly doable, I know a lot of guys around here do it. Unfortunately I'm the wrong one to ask - I'm more of a log consumer than a log writer. Maybe drop a line to mutex - I believe they've messed around with stuff like that.
>219 userfxnet @ 2023/06/15 00:13
Hey everyone, nice to meet you all on here in tilde.club, i love the billboard jelly interface I haven't seen anything like it before. :o I'm excited to make my stay here very productive and creative. I go under userfxnet here on tilde~ as well as on SDF where I first started using pubnix's, I also do music under the tag flipperzero over on soundcloud I have a page on (I'll be releasing soon). I actually originate first from gemini://, and then first starting up a few capsules via flounder.online, cities.yesterweb.org, etc I found the tilde pink instance as well as further finding out about the way ssh works n what BBS is built off from doing more research on the tildeverse. I was inspired to look into it more, but I saw I was required to generate my own key and doing as such seemed scary and alien to me at the time. In order to motivate myself to dive deeper, I decided to instead sign up w/ SDF via main page submission since learning more about it as a result of tilde~ due to the inspiration/influence behind this pubnix being the Super Dimensional Fortress. After that, I learned more and more about how to use a publix unix system, made my little home in the aNONradio section of SDF and actually ran into screwtape via their lispy gopher show on the radio schedule learning that their gopherspace is hosted via tilde.institute which is how I finally came to be here. At that point, I decided to dive in head first into all this, generated my key weeks ago and now I'm here after some recommendation from screwtape (TYSM! if you see this post =^P). Okay, now that all that disposition is out of the way, here's a little bio/about me. >>>>ABOUT: - Cyberpunk, vaporwave musician. - Interested in FOSS, Unix, sm0lnet, as well as art, writing n mainly music production. - DJ from time to time on aNONradio's open mic hour (developing a show soon) - Primarily on MX Linux via Thinkpad L440 (installed as side-partition to main win10 HDD I plan on wiping soon w/ ext4 formatting + Debian 12) [after transferring important files to external lol] - Main goal involves starting self-hosted network servers to fileserve own projects I hope I can make a valuable member to the community here. Y'all seem like really cool, chill people much like the community at SDF which I enjoy so much. I can find myself easily being comfortably diplomatic between both pubnix's. Nice to make my acquaintance here to you all, excited to get to know you all better, and can't wait to see what more is in store! Cheers, all! ~ t a k e i t e z ~
>220 ultrachip @ 2023/06/20 11:28
>>219 Welcome to ~club! I've heard SDF mentioned from time to time, one day I'm going to have to check them out and see what they're all about.
>221 userfxnet @ 2023/06/23 07:00
>>220 Thanks for the welcome! Gonna update my pages soon, I actually went ahead w/ the show, it airs every Thursday at 0000UTC entitled "Lit Up On Linux" a variety show w/ soundbytes, various music, and talk segments. Catch it sometime, it'd be fun to see you there! Def go for it. They have a preval registration if you use 'ssh new@sdf.org' and you can set up a username/password + have access to a minimum of tools to give it a try. If you wanna validate, it only takes a dollar too, it's j spam prevention but it's worth it and it's so much fun to be around!
>222 ultrachip @ 2023/06/24 00:40
>>221 Cool to hear your show got off the ground - I'll be sure to check it out some time
>223 sporiff @ 2023/07/29 23:57
I realize I've never actually posted in here, just in the newsgroup. Hi, I'm ~sporiff. I'm a software developer and technical writer living in Berlin, though I'm originally from the UK. Before I got into software, I was studying Japanese mythology and media at university with the goal of going into academia. From what I've heard, I dodged a bullet there. In my professional life I've been a Windows technician, a systems administrator, a programmer, and a technical writer. I'm in the process of marrying these last two with a role in documentation automation. Outside of work, I am one of the maintainers of the Funkwhale project and one of the people involved with the Open Podcast API. I mostly just write down what smarter people than me say, but sometimes I have something to add.
>224 thagoat @ 2023/07/30 04:55
Hey everyone! A little introduction: My name is Shawn and I'm from Pennsylvania. I'm a foodie, musician, mechanic, geek, dad, unabashed self-hosting zealot, craft beer brewer and fan, and baseball coach/parent/fan. Whew! I joined the tilde team after joining the tilde club and the sdf.org crew. I love the community feeling, the help, and the comaraderie. Check out my [git repo](https://tildegit.org/thagoat/Recipes) full of recipes and feel free to contact me any time! >>OP
>225 andif @ 2023/07/30 23:55
I'm Andi (they/them) - greetings from London, UK. I work in social programme evaluation, mostly using quasi-experiments and randomised controlled trials. Outside of work, I like dancing in dark rooms (to anything with a hummable baseline) and secondhand bookshops. I haven't used anything Unix-shaped properly in a very long time. Lovely to be here! You can also find me on Mastodon as @andi@tech.lgbt
>226 ultrachip @ 2023/07/31 23:35
>>225 Welcome to the club!
>227 leach @ 2023/08/02 05:50
Hello all, im ~leach on tilde.club. I'm a computer science student finishing up my degree based in the tri state area. I'm into film and photography as well as video games and ice hockey. You can find me on tilde.chat IRC. I've been using mac OS most of my life and have become farmiliar with linux through messing with VPS and VMs. I got drawn to tilde.club because I grow tired of the sanatized ad ridden internet. I'm having fun exploring this community based linux machine and seeing all these neat applications on it. Look forward to interacting with you all more!
>228 skelegorg @ 2023/08/24 22:17
i'm skelegorg, i'm living in canada right now. this is my first time as a member of any pubnix system, and i think this is really cool! i hope i can contribute here somehow.
>229 ultrachip @ 2023/08/26 00:18
>>228 Welcome to the club!
>230 bayang @ 2023/09/04 06:20
Hi folks, just registered on tilde.club. I'm french. I'll stick around and see what I can do here.
>231 neoroll @ 2023/09/04 06:23
Hello everyone, I'm ~neoroll !! :D I'm from New Zealand. I wanted to learn more about computers and meet more people who are excited about computers so I signed up to the tilde.club :DD
>232 ultrachip @ 2023/09/06 11:17
>>231 Welcome bayang and neoroll!
>233 ceayo @ 2023/09/25 18:35
>>232 I'm ~ceayo, and I just joined. I like computers, anime, minecraft, coding and I use gentoo. I'm from the Netherlands. I like to listen to rock / metal music. My lastfm : https://www.last.fm/user/ceayo My neocities : https://ceayo.neocities.org/ (I'll switch to here quickly...)
>234 fenris @ 2023/09/25 20:52
>>233 Welcome the the club
>235 fenris @ 2023/09/25 20:53
>>234 .. to the club, of course
>236 addison @ 2023/10/10 20:57
Hey, I'm addison (he/him). I live in the Pacific Northwest region of the US. I signed-up for tilde.team (my first pubnix) so that I could meet cool people and take part in the community. I enjoy tabletop gaming, hiking, and beer. I brew mead at home, which I've found satisfies my urge to experiment and tinker. I also enjoy writing software that's web- and gemini-adjacent. I built a Gemini browser for Android called Rosy Crow which I'm quite proud of. See you on IRC!
>237 ultrachip @ 2023/10/18 00:22
>>236 Welcome to the club! Is making mead harder or easier than brewing beer? I tried my hand at beer a few years ago and never really got the hang of it.
>238 meljoann @ 2023/10/30 16:04
Hi all, I'm Mel. I'm a musician who really enjoys tinkering. Thanks for this space!
>239 takoda @ 2023/10/30 21:12
Hello everyone! This message was sent on October 30th. At least in my time zone. I got here yesterday and this is the first "tilde" I've been on. I love tinkering too! I aspire to be a game developer. I use mirrorprorouns, so that means you can use the pronouns that you use for yourself, for me. I'm also fine with he/him. I cannot live without sweet tea!
>240 abacasonline @ 2023/11/12 22:32
Hello! I'm Maura from AbacasOnline! I am an amature artist that is currently writing and in general developing a manga. I am a high school student, not gonna say where though because that would be dangerous online. um... yeah. I like cozy online environments such as this one, being that I can customize my shit to the best of my ability, and really talk to people, not just market my stuff like I do on most modern social media.
>241 meowth @ 2023/11/21 22:02
hi guys ! i am tori , i like art, dance and maths im in 6th form now in england somewhere i like talking to people and making new friends so if you want to talk message me on irc or on discord (@len0w0) :D
>242 subtra3t @ 2023/11/26 15:33
Hello everyone. I am [magenta: subtra3t] [dim: (excuse the weird username)] from India. I'm currently in 10th grade (not sure how that translates to freshman/sophomore/senior high school terms), preparing to take my [rainbow: IGCSE]s in February 2024. Wish me luck! I like listening to music ([red: red hot chili peppers], [green: bee gees], and [blue: wallows] are my top 3) and reading books a lot. When I was younger I used to want to be an author. I like writing a lot but nothing to show for it. I used to play a lot of football/soccer tournaments but high school has forced me to take a step back from that, at least for the moment. My email address is subtra3t.dev@gmail.com, and my Discord tag is [magenta: subtra3t]. If you're reading this way into the future [dim: (>6 months?)] I may have deleted the account since I tend to delete my Discord account a couple times every year. It's not because of any desire to protect my privacy (I wouldn't be using Discord in the first place if that was the case) or an aversion to making meaningful long-term connections. It's just that when I created my first Discord account I deleted it after ~8 months for no reason and it's just a "tradition" for me now. I created this tilde.club account about a year back but I've probably used it for less than 3 hours. I read about it from a Medium post which I found on [red: Hacker News]. So I'm still pretty new to the [rainbow: tildeverse].
>243 abaxial @ 2023/11/27 02:18
Hi folks! New to the tiledeverse, not very new to the world. Software developer by trade, jack of all trades by interest. You can find me at abaxial@protonmail.com and most abaxial's you'll see online are in fact me, though these days it's more of a fight for some reason. Big tinker, father, writer, Canadian who never was quite able to put down video games or board games. Fortunately I'm in good company so it hasn't been much of a problem. Look forward to being connected in the verse to so many people from all walks with an interest in this form of early-internet-vibe community. See you around, space cowboy. Peace, Abaxial.
>244 eldritch @ 2023/12/01 15:36
Howdy yall, I've been wanting to dive into pubnixes (pubnitrices?) and such for a while, and finally took the plunge. So far as I've been poking around I've been having a great time. Look forward to interacting with the rest of yall.
>245 mauld @ 2023/12/15 18:20
Hi all, this is my first bb post. Neat. I'm living in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. Father of two (my youngest just said his first word today - "data" - need to share that fact with more people) I work as a systems engineer in telecom, garden and enjoy the great outdoors. New to the tildeverse. Come say hi!
>246 ashellm @ 2023/12/20 04:06
Hi! I'm ashellm, I'm pretty new to tilde.team. I enjoy amatuer radio, computers and learning in general.
>247 woland @ 2024/01/01 02:15
Hello there! My name is Woland. I'm a musician and a web developer. Odd combination? Well let me tell you that I have two degrres ( BA and MA ) in drama and literature. How the hell did I end up here? haha I love the terminal and that got me into programming and the rest is obviouse. I've been enjoying tilde for over a year now. At first I only wanted to host a gemini capsul but now I also host my band's website here. Glad to be here :)
>248 swordofstabbing @ 2024/01/10 02:12
Hey there. I'm swordofstabbing. I've been lurking here a while, but consider this my re-entrance after losing my ssh key. I was silent before, but now I'm going to try being more active. So, who am I? Well this is internet so you can't know everything, but what you'll learn is that I'm into RPGs, programming, *N*X operating systems, computers, in general, and some other stuff. I'm here because a multi-user computer can be an interesting experience. Like having a cyber-apartment. Tilde is a great collective of pubnixes and I hope it helps get people into unix-like operating systems and more advanced (relatively) computing. Thanks everyone!
>249 iddqd404 @ 2024/01/11 20:42
Hello ~team! It's iddqd404 from Argentina :) I recently discovered the tildeverse, I think while browsing Gemini (which I also discovered very recently). Since then I have joined my first tilde: texto-plano.xyz, and there I have my smol website and gemini capsule. I am here to escape the claws of comercial social media and as an exercise in fighting against planned obsolescence. I have a pretty new computer which I use for work (I'm a freelance Flutter dev), but I choose to use this 16yo laptop with a carefully tuned Arch install to make it usable on my day to day. I am into retrogaming and retrocomputing too! As a kid/teen I never had a gaming console, so now that I'm in my 40s I decided to fix that and started collecting videogame consoles and computers from my era. I have joined tilde.team because I think it has an active community, and that I am very interested in. There are a lot of tildes, but they are half asleep or dead. You will see me around often on IRC, and probably on many other places in the tildeverse. Looking forward to know you, make friends and collaborate on creating cool things. Oh, and I almost forgot heh, I created a Hackerspace on my city (Rosario, Argentina) called Hackfun. Check it out! It's in spanish, but it has pictures :) https://hackfunrosario.com See ya! iddqd404
>250 solitonmedic @ 2024/01/23 09:22
Hi there! My name is Jun. I'm known as solitonmedic on all of my social pages. I've been interested in old technologies for time now, so when I heard of the tilde.club, I had to know more. I had to see how folks did stuff when the old web was still around! I'm so glad to see people still passionate about it. I'm eager to learn more about the history of the old web and learning new tricks as well. I gotta work on my website soon, so be on a look out for that soon!
>251 ekkoklang @ 2024/01/31 07:44
Hello everyone! I am ~ekkoklang and I emerged from the depths of boredom and curiosity! Currently getting settled in Software-Dev I am always looking for small things to optimize on my own system. Most of my time is spent socializing on various interactive platforms or playing Video Games. Outside of work I sometimes work on smaller code snippets to automate more of my life. I am also an avid NixOS-enjoyer and am still working on the nixconf of my dreams:tm:. Besides that I spend my time playing lasertag and improving wherever I can! It's nice to meet you all!
>252 vagabond @ 2024/02/12 05:12
Hello everyone. New to the whole bbs from a shell, but I kinda like it. I recentely built my own web/database server from a $4/month vps and it's been quite the experience, but a very gratifying one. I also am working towards getting a degree in computer science after spending about a year learning to become a web developer / attending a coding bootcamp which taught me a lot of awesome tools. I can write comfortably in typescript/javascript, react, and astro. Of course, HTML and CSS too. Right now I am learning Rust until I can sign up for classes. You can find my web experiments on vagab0nd.neocities.org and my server at vagabond.sh -v
>253 april @ 2024/02/13 19:10
Hello all im april, Im pretty new to all this although i did used to run linux as a daily driver. Ive been doing indie web devving for a while on neocities and I thought it was time to move to something more free of restrictions. Im currently gonna be working on moving/making a webbed site for my tilde site but for now the most up to date stuff is on my neocities https://arpilmyroomim.neocities.org/ Also I totally love that I am being more forced to use the terminal cause I really realy like the style of it! Hope to see you all soon! From April
>254 etc404 @ 2024/04/03 17:36
Hellohello! I'm etc404 (or just etc) I'm new to tilde communities, but I'm excited to learn and to be here! My interests are sewing, plant-care, linux, scripting, programming, music, physical media (and their machines), and language! I'm happy to be here, I can't wait to meet you all! ^^ ~etc404
>255 fenris @ 2024/04/03 22:00
>>254 Welcome and cheers!
>256 ultrachip @ 2024/04/04 01:50
>>254 Nice to meet you!
>257 ebruce613 @ 2024/04/08 02:27
My name is ebruce613 in some places, coolcoder613 in others and coolcoder613eb on Github, And I am a teenager from Melbourne, Australia. I am a terrible writer and a great speller, and can read very fast. I can program in Python, Rust and QBasic, and can do web things if necessary. I am interested in operating systems, of which my favorite is Haiku (I will try to convert you over if I get the chance). I enjoy playing Doom (co-op or deathmatch) and Wolfenstein 3-D, and I am often looking for someone to play doom with. (PM me on IRC if you're interested) Some of my projects: https://github.com/coolcoder613eb/Haiku-PyAPI Python bindings for the Haiku API. (This is my only open-source project with other contributors) https://github.com/coolcoder613eb/minchat A tiny but good-looking web chat (hosted at cc613.mywire.org) https://github.com/coolcoder613eb/rpg A little text adventure to learn macroquad I seem to do quite a bit of porting, For example, https://discuss.haiku-os.org/t/rustpython-for-beos-with-w2c2/14600 I ported RustPython to BeOS with w2c2 https://github.com/coolcoder613eb/RustPython A port of RustPython to DOS with w2c2, https://github.com/coolcoder613eb/haiku-freebasic A port of FreeBASIC to Haiku My hardware: 1. 2020 M1 MacBook Air with 8GB of RAM and 256G storage, running macOS (My daily driver) 2. Refurbished Thinkpad T430 with 3rd gen i7, 8G RAM and 180G SSD, running Linux and Haiku 3. HP 6830s laptop, not used much, running Haiku 4. 32-bit desktop with asus motherboard, Pentium dual-core, 3G of RAM, and 1TB HDD, running Haiku+Linux+WinXP (almost always Haiku, except when I boot FreeDOS from a USB) 5. RPI4 with 8G RAM, booting off 32GB USB, as my home server, (accessible at cc613.mywire.org) (https://discuss.haiku-os.org/t/i-built-a-raspberry-pi-tablet/14266) 6. A laptop from 1999, running BeOS, and Windows 98 and 2000 (https://discuss.haiku-os.org/t/my-new-beos-machine/14336) Fun fact: I am less than a week older than Windows 7
>258 mjdxp @ 2024/04/18 17:45
Hello! I'm new to the Tildeverse and interested in learning about UNIX-like systems! I was just accepted into tilde.club earlier today and I'm excited to get started! Let me know if you want to chat or do something else.
>259 ultrachip @ 2024/04/20 01:19
>>258 Welcome to the club!
>260 swinton @ 2024/04/25 09:48
Howdy! I'm a technical producer for a software company but considering changing careers to goat herder / shepherd as corporatization of the discipline has stolen the joy from computers and programming for me for the most part. That and the pervasive surveillance and enshitification of computer technology and the internet. I'm lately enjoying working with Godot and writing some games and even GUI apps with it. My retirement plan consists of using OpenBSD and focusing on small systems and protocols, small groups of good people I can kinda-sorta trust, and generally noping out of the system as much as possible. At least in the wee hours of the morning and late at night to escape the desert of the real that the world seems to insist on becoming. I enjoy games but mostly narrative stuff like Heaven's Vault, interactive fiction, and Civilizations I-VI. Personally I like good coffee in the morning, green tea at night, exploring natural wonders and ancient historical sites. In a past life I was a philosophy and religous studies major and did PhD level work on the history of religion. I've kept that up over the years as a lay reader of academic works on the western esoteric tradition and related currents, all sorts of occult topics and traditions, as well as techno-futurism. I'm agnostic but believe there is a mystery at the heart of all being and that we can get closer to it through science and reflection but will never exhaust it and peel the onion to its core. That gives me a sense of awe and a kind of spiritual satisfaction that's hard to explain but does the job of making life meaningful well enough I suppose.
>261 lafe @ 2024/05/09 02:38
>>260 Hello, I'm another new person to the tildeverse, and tilde.club in particular. I've been exploring the community and software as I'm able, and I've been trying to figure out where everyone's at these days. I'm keeping an eye on the IRC and local nntp, and just recently learned about bbj and the ttpb. I've also been checking randomly into gopher holes, and trying out gemini as well. It's been fun! Happy to hear about anything else cool or interesting that folks have going on, and looking to see what I can get into. Nice to meet y'all!
>262 shrubbery @ 2024/05/21 23:33
Hi all, I'm shrubbery and this is my first venture into the tilde-verse. I'm a dev by day working deep in software-defined networking, so I'm used to a console, but I really started online well into the GUI-era where broadband wasn't super uncommon. I'm really enjoying the simplicity of a monospaced world, with tools I know, but mixed with a lot I don't. It's my first time using TUI tools for mail, IRC etc. and I'm excited to try gopher. I like to build things and tinker, or try things and leave things unfinished once I figure them out. Learning how things work is always the fun part. Finishing them is trickier. I like knowing enough to be dangerous with electronics, mechanical stuff (motorbikes), 3d printing etc. I'm looking forward to settling in!
>263 anonymous @ 2024/05/24 19:16
>264 toaster99 @ 2024/06/05 01:33
Hey all, I'm toaster99! Go by a different name on ctrl-c.club and SDF, but wanted something a bit more anonymous. I'm a 30s something software engineer working at a startup in Ohio. Start programming when I was 12 years old, writing games on my Atari 400 (garage sale find) and Palmm Pilot. As I've gotten further into the engineer career, I've gotten more and more tired of how awful we've made the web. I deeply miss the days of AIM, Geocities and forums. Hence why I'm here! Outside of tech, I'm usually with my family or on my bike! Glad to be a member of this community, looking forward to getting more involved!
>265 jacksonbenete @ 2024/06/15 13:32
>>249 Hello iddqd404, nice to meet you. I've lived in Rosario for almost two years back in 2020. Nice place to live, I miss Argentina a lot and I'm often planning to go back. Congrats for the Hackerspace project, I wish I had heard about it back then. Regars, Jack
>266 jacksonbenete @ 2024/06/15 13:33
>>260 Hello swinton, nice to meet you. Considering "retiring" to nature? I often think the same. I hope I get great news from you if you ever take this decision, and of course if you don't go as well, I wish you all the best. Kind regards, Jack
>267 Cartwright @ 2024/06/30 20:05
Nice to be here :) A just found out about bbj, Nice sorta like SDF's bboard. I like to program but non of my programs ever get finised other than the ones on my site http://tilde.club/~cartwright My name is not ben cartwright but i like to go by other names on the internet. Not much else to say. Regards, Ben >>266
>268 scrub @ 2024/07/25 08:52
heyy, i'm ~scrub, and i'm a teenager from queensland, australia. I've really love cooking (you can find some recipies on my club site and @ https://scrubby.neocities.org) and vidya, and i'm always looking for other people to play coop games with (drg and the like). I've also started getting into programming, (with c obviously). I'm also a bit of a free (libre) software enthusiast, and run debian linux(+gnu) and freebsd on my desktop, and my assorted thinkpads, though i really wanna try my hand at 9front, or some other fun os. PS. You can find me on telehack @gondola PPS. If you have any reccomendations for recipies. please feel free to mail me, or hmu on IRC (if i can figure out how to use it...........)
>269 tori @ 2024/08/10 17:23
Hi, I'm ~tori! I'm a programmer hobbyist and retro tech enthusiast. I enjoy taking on stupidly hard and unnecessary projects (although I usually get distracted and start something new). I'm looking forward to interacting more with this community and learning how everything here works!
>270 PrairieOptimist @ 2024/08/11 01:56
Hello, everyone. I've been spending time experimenting with terminal based programs and accessing information that way. I'm also interested in getting older computer hardware and see what can be done to get them to perform modern tasks and I hope that exploring services like this will help me acheive that. I really look forward to reading, chatting and learning here.
>271 speedygo55 @ 2024/08/21 13:13
Hi y'all! I'm [rainbow: ~speedygo55 ], just call me speedy, a young hobby Dev who has fun exploring new things! I love programming and other IT related stuff. Atm i code in Rust cuz i feel like it. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you in the IRC and learning what works how here! Speedy out
>272 innerteapot @ 2024/10/16 06:05
Hi all :) I'm Joel and I describe myself as an IT Fixit guy based in Melbourne, Australia. I work as a sort of combined systems administrator and desktop support person for a company that is 100% remote. Mostly macs with assorted online services. In a previous life I was a devops and php dev hybrid so I'm quite comfortable with Ubuntu on the server. I've been drifting in and out of FreeBSD for many years too. I still have a customer who uses it for web and mail hosting. I'm getting more and more interesting in OpenBSD these days. So very much a *nix aficionado. Some other random things about me ... I'm a cat person ... I love 80's music ... I play keyboards / synths when no one is looking ... I'm addicted to Spyro on the PlayStation 1. Looking forward to chatting with you all soon. :)
>273 jmcs @ 2025/01/21 10:37
Not sure if this is widely used, but here goes my 'hi all': Name's Jose Manuel, and I'm from Spain. Got in contact with unix/free software around 2000, but doing this professionally kind of took the charm away... Over the years, I've also grown disenchanted with the web, to the point that I was barelly visiting reddit every now and then, and not any other webs/forums/things I followed earlier. I stopped writing on my blog many years ago, abandoned twitter and facebook years ago as well... And then (like 5 years later than everyone else), I came in contact with Gemini, and that took me to know about tildes, and my enthusiasm for internet and CLI and all things linux-y came back. Let's see how long I can keep the momentum :) Outside computers, my hobbies are varied and quite 'analogic': reading, live music of pretty much all styles, woodcarving, bike repairing and 'frankenstein-ing', learning to play instruments that then I play very badly Anyway, yeah, hi everyone!
>274 anonymous @ 2025/01/25 18:29
>275 krellr @ 2025/01/25 18:35
greetings. Im krellr. Ive used linux as primary OS since 2001 but have done most of my learning in the last handful of years. I hate www land and the chat format. like gopher and terminal. hoping to smooth out some wrinkles and setup shop here. see ya around.
>276 marcxjo @ 2025/01/27 02:10
*taps mic* Hello, hi there, greetings. I go by Marĉjo (pron. /MARCH-yo/) or Marko as you prefer. Tl;dr: way late-blooming web developer - think .NET, Angular, React, etc. - with a mean streak of Linux geek chic. Tech stuff I'm into lately: * Self-hosting * I'm especially interested in cost-free, FOSS-driven solutions to securely expose services over the internet * Small web * Rust * Bash (really, all things Unix shell/command line) * Nix for project dependency management (including in OSes besides NixOS) * Neovim * The fediverse and its potential to enable positive social change I'm also an avid musician, writer, reader, gamer, walker, and enjoyer of creative anything. I've already popped into IRC, but I'm pretty reserved unless spoken to. That said, say hi if you like! :)