Page Showcase by bayang | tildeverse BBJ

>0 bayang @ 2023/09/05 07:48

How do you explore the pages on the tilde universe ?

Do you click on random names in the list ?

If you have a page here post its link so that everyone knows it exists.

>1 ultrachip @ 2023/09/06 11:20


Most of my browsing time lately has been spent exploring gemspace - I go through lists of gem capsules that I find on the web and see what interesting things I can find. 

It sounds like you *may* have already stumbled upon it but in case you haven't (or in case anyone else reading this hasn't), tweska has put together an awesome gallery page to showcase everybody's home page:

>2 bayang @ 2023/09/06 19:04


Hey, thanks for your answer.

I already have seen this gallery yes, but even then there are lots of pictures to browse and you need to cross reference with the list of last updated pages to get a list of maintained sites on the tildes.

But this gallery is indeed a good start.

Let me post a few of my findings :

>3 oviel @ 2023/12/14 01:11

I wrote a bash script for that
It allows me to visit sites/capsules/holes in a row by pressing 'v'
I download the page containing the list of links, and edit it (regex, piping...) leaving only the urls
and output the resulting list into the script, inside the links array
if i quit the loop before i go through the whole array, next time the script will start where i left
i bookmark the sites i will revisit

most sites are hello worlds or comming soons (including mine)