does anyone using FreeBSD? by anonymous | tildeverse BBJ

>0 anonymous @ 2024/08/18 09:59

I recently started using FreeBSD *terminal only* and want to know if I am alone in this journey :D

>1 omorrigan @ 2024/08/19 19:47

I am and also i am doing a sysop imersion with a federaated group that is 
empowering the users to own its own platforms

>2 dskully @ 2024/08/24 17:28

im not but it sounds like fun :D

>3 anonymous @ 2024/08/26 00:35


What is this "sysop inmersion" you refer to?

>4 omorrigan @ 2024/08/28 20:36

its a study program where you learn all the basics and principles that may
help you to use the system

>5 anonymous @ 2024/09/22 07:51


yes, it's on, right? i like freebsd, i hope to get a new laptop which will dualboot freebsd and slackware

>6 ant @ 2024/10/02 21:42

I am trying to use FreeBSD for my desktop, and am using it both in temrinal-mode and in X.  I am asking my question in the tilde.bsd newsgroup.

>7 conorh @ 2024/10/07 00:22

I've been hosting some services in jails as well as web hosting. Server only, though (and therefore terminal-only). I think it's cozy; a lot of simpler things that compose well. I haven't run a system beefy enough that I wanted to go full zfs-pilled though.

>8 Cartwright @ 2024/10/16 20:17

I use NetBSD 6 amd64, Like it and i have also used FreeBSD on

>9 zenodo @ 2024/11/27 19:44


Not alone! I use FreeBSD (in a VM) to run my ZFS NAS. While systemd is great it
is good ot see how things are done without it otherwise you run the risk of
thinking that "systemd" is how all UNIX systems work. "ZFS on Linux" is fine but
running the *proper* OS for it feels good.

>10 nightheron @ 2024/11/29 19:43


Jails are great. I've come to greatly prefer them over more popular container solutions like Docker. Combined with ZFS snapshots, you can get like 80% of the convenience of Docker with jails as well, IMO, with better underlying implementation.

Speaking of ZFS, you don't need as beefy of a machine as you think, and the amount of RAM used for caching is tunable. You get the most out of ZFS with multiple disks, but even with a single disk, the checksumming it does and zfs snapshots are worth it IMO. Super easy to use also.

>11 imnt @ 2024/12/21 13:43

I am using a FreeBSD server with ssh>>9

>12 noodlez @ 2025/01/22 00:45

I tried it a while ago and I ran into some driver problems :(. Maybe I'll try it again sometime soon. I also did it on hard mode and compiled everything from the ports tree (no pkg). It was actually really fun!

>13 mpisco @ 2025/01/22 17:45


You probably are alone on this to be honest.

>14 krellr @ 2025/01/23 13:02

I put freeBSD on an old chromebook to use for a bit here in the ~verse
that went well except for keyboard support and it went to the
'mess with it later' pile for now.
definitely  will revisit BSD on a bettermachine. 

 your BSD immersion project sounds like fun.