Has anybody here done a Terminal Only challenge? by noodlez | tildeverse BBJ

>0 noodlez @ 2025/01/22 00:48

Recently (Like 4 months ago) I went a full week using nothing but terminal applications for everything I did. I had two escape routes: My phone, my TV. This let me do super important things (my phone) and still watch my YouTube videos (my TV). That being said it was actually a huge success and I still use many of those applications every day. I explicitly removed any DE I had on my Linux machine and ran Sway with Foot running in it. I could only run new terminal emulators.

Has anybody else ever done a similar challenge? Would anybody else subject themselves to such a challenge?

>1 mpisco @ 2025/01/22 17:48


Can't. I do a lot of work in school with Word and I'm pretty sure that word isn't an alternative for this.
Otherwise I'd probably be able to do this challenge with a combination of vim and tmux.

>2 singletona082 @ 2025/02/05 21:19

I've tried it. I can come close, but , honestly I've never tried going 
full terminal for Everything.

>3 eliwatson @ 2025/02/07 23:51

I have wanted too for a while but never had the initive to just do it. It would probbly be on my laptop, as i mostly just do text based things on there
anyway. I think it would deffinatly be a fun challenge to try out. This might be the reminder I nedded to actually do it.

>4 say @ 2025/02/08 22:10


I'm not saying you have to do this but I make word docs at work (and powerpoints) with vim + markdown and pandoc. It's something like vi file.md; pandoc -i file.md -o file.docx. I think you can use an existing docx as a template with pandoc so all the fonts etc are applied to your new doc. That's how I do powerpoints.

>5 anthk @ 2025/02/21 11:12


I spent a year or two with that, it worked perfectly fine.
Now my challenge it's to use 9front for almost everything. OFC for the tildeverse
I have to spawn a VT220 emulator, but for the rest I can use doc/xls dumping tools 
with ease.

>6 jacksonbenete @ 2025/02/21 19:32

For a few years I was an Emacs user, wrote my own plugins, my own themes...
I would do everything over Emacs, eshell or Terminal.

To be honest, I wouldn't trouble myself anymore.
Nowadays I just use the mouse, IntelliJ (Goland) and sometimes vi(1).

I respect who thinks otherwise and enjoys the Terminal.
I enjoy it as well.

But doesn't worth the trouble for me anymore.