Problems With Gemini by omorrigan | tildeverse BBJ

>0 omorrigan @ 2024/10/11 17:59

I composed a capsule in Gemini but when i upload it for the server on
tildeverse it not recognize the file, i have verified the file format and line break
against the standard outlined on Gemini Protocol  documentation, that is UTF8
with breaklines by CRLF,and it was correct, but i have  composed the file on a
Windows machine and uploaded it to my /public_gemini folder via sftp. So far i
believe that may be a incompatibility between systems that occoured. 
What can i do to solve it? Should i rewrite it on emacs or any UNIX editor?
Edit: i rewrite it on emacs and doesn't worked, and all permissions are on the
highest level (777) so i will try to wipe the folder and rewrite it

>1 wgreenhouse @ 2024/10/12 02:33


Where is the post? Even if the format is incorrect, I'd expect the gemini server to serve the raw content of the file as a response.

>2 omorrigan @ 2024/10/12 14:50

keeps returning 51 not found

>3 ultrachip @ 2024/10/20 06:04


What is the name of the file? Are you able to browse to it if you call it directly?

>4 jazei @ 2024/10/27 23:32

when you solve your issue you sh(ud change perm*ssions 777 is danger. >>3

>5 omorrigan @ 2024/11/03 17:01

index.gmi, and no i cannot invoke it directly

>6 omorrigan @ 2024/11/03 17:02

 i was trying to get it working by alter the permissions for a higher level but it didn't worked

>7 omorrigan @ 2024/11/03 19:22

i am starting to get  the things figured out
 now its presenting incorrect header, how should i present my header?

>8 omorrigan @ 2024/11/04 00:32

got it working, i found that the problem was that i was saving it as a text file and it was  making impossible for thr server to read it