What's your favorite linux distro? by Cartwright | tildeverse BBJ

>0 Cartwright @ 2024/07/01 19:53

I like debian, so i would like to ask what other people think.

>1 squidink @ 2024/07/03 17:16

Definitely NixOS! the declarative approach to package management as well as the ability to configure different things in a single place is really nice. 99.9% of the time it makes things stupidly easy, although the 1% of the time it's not stupidly easy then it is a *huge* pain in the ass; I personally find that learning to do the things that are challenging is incredibly rewarding though! There's a lot of things you can do and that makes me really happy as someone who really likes to tinker ^^

>2 Cartwright @ 2024/07/04 18:08

I had never head of it and I see that is very good!

>3 kasmo @ 2024/07/09 16:55

As my current setup is almost always old. I prefer to use Debian, both for its stability and support. currently using Debian and Mint at home.
Apart from the crashes and so many updates, I liked Arch

>4 Cartwright @ 2024/07/11 14:45

That's just my idea of debian stable lots of software good support.

>5 mai @ 2024/07/12 06:01


I couldn't agree more, NixOS is such a nice and comfortable experience (save for that 1% where it suddely becomes a pain).

Coming from Arch, being able to use my core system with a stable repository and pull from a rolling release whenever I want
is really nice.

>6 Singletona082 @ 2024/07/14 16:58

>>OP I keep coming back to linux mint. i've tried tiling managers, and I really
do want to learn one of those more minamum enviroments but i keep coming back
to 'here is an ubuntu derivitive with a windows 9x type desktop.'

I'm boring

>7 Cartwright @ 2024/07/15 13:48

I also have used linux mint some, debian based?

>8 Singletona082 @ 2024/07/16 20:31

Ubuntu based, so Debvian based wit hseveral steps.

I've tried the debian flavor in the past and just sorta kinda came
back to the 'defualt' version at some point. Don't even remember

>9 omorrigan @ 2024/08/11 03:45

my favorite so far is tails because its portability and the incognito system/

>10 PrairieOptimist @ 2024/08/11 15:31

I'm using Mint. I hadn't used Linux in decades but I decided to try it again earlier this year (for some mysterious reason :D ) and found that Mint has the most familiar feel to me.
Evenutally I'll probably try different ones on different systems for alternate purposes. I'd like to get something for a small underpowered notebook that I use via terminal primarily when I'm out and about.

>11 emymin @ 2024/08/16 15:19

I quite like Fedora, I find it to be a nice middle ground between more cutting edge rolling release distros and more stable ones. I run it on all my devices!

>12 crivic @ 2024/08/17 07:08


In theory, I love the idea of NixOS - declarative configs and portable, reproducible deploys are awesome.
In practice, I still run Archlinux everywhere - I've been doing this for many years and it's what I'm most confortable with.

>13 anonymous @ 2024/08/18 10:20

I really don't have a "favourite distro". I could use any distro given they have proper docs :)

>14 fenris @ 2024/08/18 14:43

I like Opensuse.
I'm using Suse for a long time and it always worked very well.

>15 dskully @ 2024/08/18 15:18

i love alpine linux, its minimal and easy to install

>16 exxxxkc @ 2024/09/06 14:22


I love a fork of alpine