Command Line Talk by Singletona082 | tildeverse BBJ

>0 Singletona082 @ 2024/07/24 21:47

So, for those that are also on Ctrl-C? Hi, I'm just
here to try fishing for more options to try out, as
I feel my own efforts last year kinda fell short of
what I wanted to accomplish.

For everyone else? Hi, I'm fishing for info about an 
upcoming two/three week challenge I've put out for 
anyone participating to shift as much of what they 
do to the terminal as realistically possible. I 
feel like, in spite of finding a workflow that does
work for a few things (writing, uploading, and even
mail,) I fell down in several regards.

### Things I want to improve on:
* Terminal/TUI ftp client:
MC works, and works well enough, but I feel like I
could do better.

* File Managment
Midnight Command has served me admirably, yet I have
to wonder if there is better out there. Something
that can do either just that little bit more, or use
less resources, or is easier to navigate. 

* Learning Vi or emacs
I like Micro. Micro gives me the sort of keyboard
commands i'm used to using for opening/closing/save
and formatting. It, however, does not have the same
feature set that something like Vi or emacs offers,
and I probably should learn something more robust.

* Tiling Window Manager.
This one is purely because I want to try slimming
down. Both because my desktop is twelve years old
and I have no real plans in upgrading if I can help
it, and I am curious on just how little computing 
is needed for modern day to day.

* tmux
See above, but also because I want to be able to
detatch from an active session that has, say, irc
going and come back on either my desktop, phone,
or whatever and not have any loss of what I was
doing. Plus as above, see how little computer I
need, and having something that can take a text
enviroment and have everything from wifi, to
bluetooth, to doc editing, to music, and so on
going? That's cool.

* MultiMedia
I know in a pure TUI/command line images much
less video isn't really possible, but what a 
terminal window? What's possible there? Is it
worth persuing or is it just a party trick? if
nothing else, I'd like a good way to play my
music, or internet radio, or podcasts from the
command line.

Anyone got any sort of advice?

>1 say @ 2024/07/30 01:26


Definitely check out mpv. I play music from the terminal with it. It also plays videos.

In fact when I want music, I type "ctrl-r play enter" which means search the terminal history for the last command with "play" in it, which for me is this:

cd /Users/me/Music && mpv "$(fzf)" # play

which goes to my music folder and runs mpv on the output of "fzf" which is an interactive search/finder thing. fzf might be cool for use for file management. I don't use it for that. For file namagement I use find/rm/mv/rsync/cp/ls/tree etc.

Definitely learn vim, but only if you want to. Once you reach medium level vim skill nothing compares.

Just get your feet wet imo... I'vw been using only Terminal + browser + video games for years now. I don't need other software XD.

>2 omorrigan @ 2024/08/19 19:59

Vi is fire, i think that the power that Vi offers is uncomparable
principally when talking about beginners, but the the other things in UNIX
command line is very important, also i think that giving power to the user
to better control the system is a important step to a better network