Joining the rest of the tildeverse? by codingquark | tildeverse BBJ

>0 codingquark @ 2019/03/16 14:03

I am part of but from the post about mailing list, it
seems I should join some other instance as well, to be a part of the
larger verse? What do you recommned?

>1 ben @ 2019/03/20 04:57

if you're interested in other tildeverse members, see and are both strong tildeverse members :)

>2 xfnw @ 2020/08/19 23:33


it is? i thought was dead

>3 tomasino @ 2020/09/04 23:07


It's alive. It was on life support for a while, but it has a new admin now for
daily monitoring and updates. It will hopefully return as a strong
general-use-tilde option.

That being said, there's nothing limiting anyone to just one or two. Feel free
to sign up for all the tildes you want. :)