what's the deal with tildecoin? by anonymous | tildeverse BBJ

>0 anonymous @ 2021/12/09 01:56

so what's the deal with tildecoin? does anyone use it for anything? does anyone want more uses for it?

who's the top 1% in tildecoin?

>1 blakesmith @ 2021/12/13 18:59

what's tildecoin? first time hearing this...

>2 anonymous @ 2021/12/15 14:36


>3 ayko @ 2021/12/16 18:30

Wait,those that even exist? O.o

>4 wasolili @ 2021/12/22 03:11

$ tcoin help
 - tildecoin (also called tcoin) is tilde.club's very own digital (non-crypto) currency.
 - to participate in tilde.club's internal economy by creating your own tcoin account, run `tcoin init`.
 - all users get 31850 coins to start, and can send and receive coins from other users (and programs).
 - more information about tildecoin is available at "https://tilde.town/~login/tcoin.html".

Seems like a fun thing.

>5 blakesmith @ 2021/12/24 16:02


is it like tilde.club only or does it extend to the wider tildeverse network??
i am on tilde.team so i suppose i cant use it.
maybe something similar can be made for the other tildes and the tildes' user can trade their coins for other tilde coins at exchanges...

seems like a fun idea.... a tilde economy that doesnt havd any monetary value kinda like mmorpgs...

>6 ayko @ 2021/12/24 18:22

For example me from cosmic.voyage, i dont have the 'tcoin' command.

>7 wasolili @ 2021/12/24 23:52

idk, i'm new. the `tcoin help` page mentions tilde.town and tilde.team as well so i bet it's installed on those tildes too

>8 blakesmith @ 2021/12/25 04:03


i searched around a little and found tcoin among user submitted scripts in tilde.team so now i can access it
does it have an api that a program can use to send and receive tcoins on behalf of its users.
i could make a small game out of it...

>9 blakesmith @ 2021/12/25 04:28

where can i get the source code of this? i wanna see how it was made.....

>10 wasolili @ 2021/12/28 00:31

i think this is the git repo https://github.com/login000/tcoin