What should I read next? by voytek | tildeverse BBJ

>0 voytek @ 2021/02/01 16:40

Just finished my current book last night, looking for something new to read that I wouldn't normally gravitate towards.

Got any recommendations?

>1 anonymous @ 2021/02/01 22:32


Norwegian Wood, by Murakami

>2 anonymous @ 2021/02/05 23:04


>3 konomo @ 2021/02/05 23:06


I really enjoyed The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear!                                                                                                                  

It's a fantasy novel about Captain Bluebear and adventures he lives through in 13 1/2 of his 26 lives.                                                                 
The book is written primarily for children and teenagers, but I'm sure you could find enjoyment in it too.

>4 Krabs @ 2021/02/21 18:32

I just bought "Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C." I haven't read it yet but I read somewhere that it was a good place to start.

>5 anonymous @ 2021/02/23 04:06

That looks like a good one; Singh's "The Code Book" is good too. Somewhat dated.

>6 voytek @ 2021/03/02 21:41


I wound up going with a few. Tried the Murikami but coudln't get into it. Then
I jumped to non-fiction; "Longitude" is really a beautiful little short book
about a race between astronomy and horology to solve the problem of determining
a ship's longitude. This was such an important problem that there was a specific
government committee, the Board of Longitude, who offered a 3-million pound
(modern equivalent; 20,000 pounds at the time) reward for a method that could
determine longitude to within 30 nautical miles.

Also forced my way through Rainbow's End (Verner Vinge), but very nearly DNFed
it. The old "Fire Upon the Deep" is IMO far better. RE has problems with pacing,
establishing stakes, and some un-believablility (in that humans don't behave
in obvious human ways -- you've got people walking around with something like
Google Glass providing an alt-reality view; but if there's a virtual war going
on, nobody actually physically assaults one another -- which is the FIRST thing
that would happen).

Would recommend "Longitude"

>7 hammie @ 2021/04/11 10:08

I just finished reading **The Aosawa Murders** by Riku Onda.

It's a short murder mystery with a very creepy atmosphere that kept me thinking all the way to the end.

The narrative comes from many different perspectives which drip feeds the reader pieces of the puzzle.

>8 cano @ 2021/04/27 23:26

I love No Country For Old Men. Maybe give that a look sometime :)

>9 dgy @ 2021/05/02 14:59

Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk
Carsick by John Waters
Energy Flash (newest edition you can find) by Simon Reynolds

>10 isvarahparamahkrsnah @ 2021/10/16 09:54

Monkey on a Stick by Hubner & Gruson