Noticed BBJ has a web-viewable interface by singletona082 | tildeverse BBJ

>0 singletona082 @ 2025/02/05 21:42

Just, a thing I had noticed when I went looking over to try finding an appealing entry point for
friends to have a bit of a lifeboat given how ... unfriendly the larger web has gotten. It's there that I 
noticed BBJ has a web interface. I'm assuming this is read-only?

At the same time...

I dunno if it'd be better to try getting a lemmy instance up that has a more general focus than,
or to try giving BBJ a web interface for writing posts. One of those cases of 'I want to try giving the
people I want to migrate something that won't scare them off, but i don't know if that would break things.'

>1 say @ 2025/02/08 22:12

Well there's always phpbbs LOL

>2 singletona082 @ 2025/02/12 00:39


Pardon? And.... can we not do the whole 'lol' thing? I get that you think it's
funny, but can we not act like we're fourteen and it's 1997 again? Please?

>3 say @ 2025/02/14 01:11


Request denied

>4 krellr @ 2025/02/16 23:27

I came here specifically because this is not the WWW and because there is somewhat
of a barrier-to-entry, mostly of taste. I generally dislike the idea of this
being mirrored in the surface web.

>5 slashedzero @ 2025/02/18 07:38

Where'd you find info on the web interface? I couldn't see it on their github or docs. 

I am actually kind of happy this is NOT exposed to the web, since it makes brigading/trolling a bunch harder than visiting a website. Even your interaction with ~say there, we at least know that ~say was logged into the tilde instance rather than just some truly random web person. 

I applaud the effort of trying to migrate people though! It's tough and we have a whole generation now who has never experienced the web outside of social media... Hell, there's a huge portion who don't even use computers...

>6 jacksonbenete @ 2025/02/21 19:26

By web interface I imagine you're talking about
To be honest most of the time I'm reading over there.

I confess that if it wasn't read-only I would participate more.
Sometimes I'm active reader but don't reply for months.

As much as I like the Terminal I lack time to ssh into something,
or I just got lazy over the years.