Testing? Its my first time using a terminal chat sort of by anonymous | tildeverse BBJ

>0 anonymous @ 2024/05/09 23:30

Hi guys, It's my first time of using a terminal based chatting system

>1 anonymous @ 2024/05/10 02:49

Welcome to tilde.club! Hope you both enjoy it and get a lot out of it.

>2 anonymous @ 2024/05/12 09:33


Enjoy your stay then! :3

>3 baher @ 2024/05/26 18:24

Hello :)

>4 anonymous @ 2024/05/28 07:17



>5 leach @ 2024/06/03 03:19


>6 mowlawner @ 2024/06/04 12:56


Hi there! I'm new too!

>7 theolodger @ 2024/06/04 20:11

As am I - Welcome!