how do you merge these 2 commands for get a file.txt with their data? by jazei | tildeverse BBJ

>0 jazei @ 2024/03/07 18:18

How do you get in a same file.txt the output of these commands?
inxi -s ; uptime > test.txt
because when I execute that comand only 1 is written in the file test.txt
I can not get 2 outputs togheter in the same file!
Thank you! & Regards.
07/03 15:15hs (-0300).

>1 anonymous @ 2024/03/07 20:43



Your first command doesn't know to print to a file. What you've written prints one thing to the stdout and one to the file. Try something like:
inxi -s >test.txt; uptime >>test.txt

The two >> for the second command are important, because they tell "uptime" to append its output to the end of the test.txt file.

>2 jazei @ 2024/03/08 16:12

WoWWWW,Interesting data!!!! Thank you.!!!!!
I was thinking that I shoud write 1 command with inxi -s >text1.txt, then 2nd command uptime > text2.txt and then cat text1.txt text2.txt > test.txt .
I will try your advise.
pd: inxi is a program to see data of the machine.

>3 anthk @ 2024/04/05 16:05


; will run two programs sequentally.

Thus, command1; command2 > whatever.txt
will run the first command until it finishes,
then, the second one will overwrite whatever.txt
with its output.

>4 lkh @ 2024/04/13 20:22


(inxi -s ; uptime) > test.txt

should to what you want

