>0 cano @ 2021/01/31 06:46
Hello. How have you all been? Enjoying the tildeverse? Work on any cool projects lately? How's life? Anything interesting happening? How are you doing?
>1 voytek @ 2021/01/31 23:58
>>OP Howdy ~cano. Still in the tildeverse "honeymoon phase"; checking the bbj fairly regularly. Have you been around long? Lots of cool projects at work I'd love to talk about; but I don't want to turn the forum into a genetics blog. Beyond that, I am watching with interest the emerging Silver story (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/reddit-preparing-unleash-worlds-biggest-short-squeeze-silver), which may be a nothingburger or may break the financial system. Time will tell. Cheers ~voytek
>2 cano @ 2021/02/01 02:31
>>1 Thank you for the reply ~voytek! I'm not sure how long I've been around; less than a year for certain. I love what the tildeverse is and what it represents, even if others might not necessarily see the same beauty in it that I do. And even though they might not like me sometimes. :P I've been paying sorta-close attention to financial stuff too ever since the GameStop short. It's fascinating and I love to fantasize about what's going to happen next.
>3 voytek @ 2021/02/01 16:39
>>2 > I love what the tildeverse [...] represents What do you feel the tildeverse represents? It looks like the dream of "brining down the system" through a precious metals shock is not going to materialize. Less exciting, but probably for the best :) ~Voytek
>4 cano @ 2021/02/02 11:59
>>3 I like the idea of a computer or network with many users in a social or everyday-life setting rather than a professional or academic one. I dream of a world where each user's computer is directly networked together rather than going through ISPs, and a tilde superficially resembles that dream.