>0 iddqd404 @ 2024/01/11 21:40
I'm looking to populate my feed reader with cool blogs, what are your recomendations/favorites? I currently have just these 3: https://cyber.dabamos.de/blog/feed.rss https://nicholasjohnson.ch/atom.xml https://www.fromjason.xyz/p/notebook/feed/feed.xml
>1 anthk @ 2024/01/18 16:25
>>OP Not all of them are blogs, but: "theconvES" "https://theconversation.com/es/articles.atom" Spanish sci news "theconvEN" "https://theconversation.com/en/articles.atom" Same, in English "gnu" "https://planet.gnu.org/rss20.xml" GNU "antartida" "https://antartida.neocities.org/rss.xml" News in Spanish "slashdot" "http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdotMain" Old Slashdot For blogs, there's https://512kb.club
>2 iddqd404 @ 2024/01/18 18:11
>>1 Gracias :)
>3 fenris @ 2024/01/20 16:49
>>2 I have some guitar related stuff. rss url: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCrPHxHPnSvHzNNYbJlYoyGQ https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCcnbt-HT9GbsN2jNw9iEJGw https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCwDvqMU_Byor49FXRYQT40g https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCjB97SEDMGtgqCzfSTlBY9w
>4 hryjksn @ 2024/02/08 22:59
>>1 https://thewastedworld.wordpress.com/feed/ The Wasted World has a philosophy/history lean to it. In depth, interesting read, whilst most of it goes over my head. https://goughlui.com/feed Gough Lui is probably my favourite, detailed teardowns breakdowns or otherwise of pretty much any thing "tech" related. Has a great series on comparing the performance of different video codecs running at the moment.
>5 say @ 2024/02/10 19:49
I found ( with $(find) ) 356 feeds from users on tilde.club. They are in a file at /home/say/.newsbeuter/urls.
>6 iddqd404 @ 2024/02/28 11:47
>>5 Oh, nice! Thanks!
>7 iddqd404 @ 2024/02/28 11:49
>>5 You should also look in /home/$USER/.newsboat/urls ;)
>8 brib @ 2024/02/28 16:59
>>OP These look really cool, I will add them to my feed! :) As for me I have a lot on my blogroll but here are my favourites: https://tante.cc/feed (tech) https://terriblerealestateagentphotos.com/rss (exactly what it says on the tin) http://siderea.dreamwidth.org/data/rss (epidemiology)